View Full Version : Paranoid of being watched/fear of being stalked

05-01-10, 00:15
This may seem unusual but my latest obsessive fear is of being watched or staked. Some of it's spiked off my HOCD but at the moment I am convinced I'm being stalked getting paranoid about anybody like walking there dog near my house. I've also got had a similar fear in recent weeks of being attacked when I fell out with a friend I opted not to meet up incase he wanted to fight me. But it's a bit doom and gloom having these fears and spikes. I get creeped out by alot of people but it springs from a fear without anxiety. Anybody whos like a stalker scares the living daylights out me as I had a bad experience on a date a few years ago.

I don't know how to overcome this fear but it's a bitter one. :lac:

05-01-10, 09:24
Hi Phil

Have thought about trying CBT? Perhaps you could have a word with your doctor about it.

Sorry you're feeling so bad at the moment. :hugs:

06-01-10, 03:19
I have a fear of being followed and attacked too.
at one point i was afraid to sleep at night in case someone tried to break in!
You need to challenge your thinking.
CBT is good for that!
Its hard though because you want to be safe and you feel that by doing certain things or not going out your making sure your safe!
Personally I try not to walk at night I do look behind me every so often when walking home alone, I always look around my area before I put my keys into the lock of my front door plus I have a security light that lights up when I walk towards the door which is always a good thing.
I know what you mean by getting creeped out by people, like for me its worse in a bar, like a drunk guy will come over n all my friends will think it's funny, where as I automatically think he's gonna attack me or perv on me.....
or I hate having weird or rough looking people near me , I'm so bad for appearing snobbish because i won't talk to these people!
like you it's all because of fear.