View Full Version : An Introduction

05-01-10, 01:59
Hello all,

I am Acido and i suffer from health anxiety! :D

I have been visiting this site for a while but haven't really had the nerve to post on here. It's kind of like an admission that i can't control this!

I am coming up to 39 years old, 5ft 4in, 12st 8lb and have pretty much always suffered from HA (in the 1980's i swear i had AIDS!). At times i feel like a child when it comes to HA - if i admit my worries to my wife i feel she (quite rightly) tries to convince me i'm just being daft (in quite a harsh way). Parents are the same. The most recent upset was visiting the doctor and him having a go at me because i wasted his time in an emergency appointment (not his exact words but that was the crux of the message - it was the receptionist who booked me in at that time, too!). One of the things i worry about is the "Cry Wolf" syndrome - one day the doctors or my family will get so narked with me that they really will miss something! :blush:

I worry constantly about things and at present feel as if there is one problem after another. Since having pneumonia a year or so ago i've had nothing but problems... pains in the stomach, irritable bowel, colds, flu, night sweats, tingling little and ring fingers whe sleeping, sleep apnoea, panic attacks, nausea, constant cough, dizzy spells... (blimey; actually writing this down looks kinda weird!) :scared15:

For example... at the moment i am constantly prodding my glands and am sure that my entire body is covered in swollen glands! Certainly some of them are painful but some feel swollen and yet don't hurt. These i worry about. I have painful areas on the base of the back of my head and neck but just swollen parts on my jaw line. I have painful areas along the edge of my chest muscles but painless lumps deep in the armpit. So the cycle goes on... i prod and poke and press, they hurt (or don't as the case may be), i worry so i prod and poke and press!

Having read some of the threads on here it would seem glands are a common worry for a lot of people and pretty much everyone on here would say "well, what if I, or the Doctor, has missed something?". I'm sure they are all fine, too!

Now, i've had tests. Blood tests, prostate tests, ultrasounds and chest xrays. Nothing doing apart from a slightly raised liver reading (doctor said i am obese so that was probably the reason for that - but if you look at me i don't look obese... i have a lot of muscle in my leg and back area so i'm probably just in the overweight category!) and a line on the xray that was "vascular in nature" (a vein, basically). So, to be brutally honest, there's probably not much more wrong with me than a case of the mental heebie jeebies!

I have read books on health anxiety and do feel better for a while but then the fear takes over and i'm back to square one. Insomnia is my friend at the moment!:dribble:Ha Ha! I don't feel like this all the time... i do get periods of relative normality - 6 months here, 3 months there.

Anyway, appologies for the length of this post but it is nice to get it out and chew the fat with like-minded people.

Thanks for listening, friends! :yesyes:

05-01-10, 02:00
Hi Acidomoduso

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

05-01-10, 03:43
Insomnia seems to be my friend at the moment too, so you're not alone!

The HA Forum is the busiest one here and you'll find many fellow sufferers there and hopefully answers to some of your questions and worries.

Welcome to NMP.

05-01-10, 08:42
Thanks for the welcome, guys! I hope i can give as much as i receive though. I may have some experiences that will help someone else. You never know!

05-01-10, 09:55
Insomnia - It has taken me HOURS to get to sleep the past few nights and I start to hear my heart and etc etc... so last night I changed bedcovers, fluffed up the duvet and fixed a ruddy great hole made by broken slats* (on my side of the bed) I actually got to sleep really quickly, yeah!

* Sadly broken slats caused way back when I was heavily pregnant and kneeled on the bed!!

Welcome Acidomoduso - Hope you find the site a help, it has helped me a great deal to cope with my HA and my feelings.

Veronica H
06-01-10, 14:48
:welcome:Acido. You will find comfort and support here.


06-01-10, 17:34
I too suffer from Health anxiety! it never leaves me.. I have had lots of stress to deal with over the years and I worry that my worring will cause more damage! I too worry about crying wolf, I still worry about my acid reflux I get, when really bad, I get pain on my palete on one side at the back of my mouth which comes and goes, I have had this checked out but I still think there is something wrong and they have missed something! I have been told off by the nurse for visiting to many times...

I then worry about taking tablets to stop my acid in my stomach! :ohmy:

your not alone and hope you find comfort on the site..