View Full Version : One for ladies only!

05-01-10, 09:43
Hi everyone,

Sorry to go into lots of detail but it's freaking me out. This is the second month that I haven't been taking the pill (as agreed by my doctor as I was getting bleeding/brown discharge a week before my break). Last month, kind of midway through my cycle, I had two days where I passed this brown, sticky mucus...it only seemed to come away when I used the toilet and I didn't find it marked a pad. This stopped and I had a period when I expected it (when I'm not on the pill, my cycle varies in length). I linked it to a change in hormones having come off the pill.

Anyway, it's happened again this morning...a small sticky bit of brown discharge when I wiped myself, 13 days into my cycle.

Logically, I can link it to my menstrual cycle but in the back of my mind, i'm thinking of the scary 'C' word. I'm 27, have a regular boyfriend (we've only just started using condoms as i'm not on the pill) and I had a clean STI screen back in October.

Please help. I'm thinking of going to chat to my GP about it but he must be sick of seeing me.


05-01-10, 10:02
Hello :)

I had something very similar that lasted for 3 months, a friend of mine did to, about halfway through my cycle i would bleed slightly well it was brown and sticky like you said, i am 23 and was really worried!! i told my friend who said she had the exact same thing and it lasted a few months.

I went to the nurse anyway who gave me a urine test, she said she really didnt think it was anything to worry about and its very common especially if you are going through stress as it plays with your hormones.

I trusted her word and after 3 months it stopped!! the joys of being a woman!! best to see your nurse but im sure its nothing to worry about xxx

05-01-10, 10:05
I think its normal to have some discharge through your cycle, especially when your hormones are messed up and your stressed!! Please don't think it's cancer, it is probably nothing to worry about but by all means get it checked out to ease your mind. xx

05-01-10, 10:19
Thanks for your replies. I hate HA and the way it messes with your logical reasoning!!

Think what makes it harder is that I'd had this weird bleeding when I was on the pill and even a change in pill didn't stop it. Grrrrrr!

I've had regular smears and am due one at some point this year. Do you think I could request it sooner?

05-01-10, 10:37
Things like this usually clear up on their own once your hormones have settled down, just pop and see your nurse she will probably ask you to wait for a month or so to see if it stops on its own first.

You need to remember that this is sooo common and with your age and having regular smears (well done!) the chances of it being something like cancer is very very rare.

Please take comfort in this, go and see your nurse anyway i can imagine she has seen this a million times.

Take Care xx

05-01-10, 10:44
Can you just book to see the nurse then? Sorry to sound stupid but I've only seen the practice nurse when a 'smear letter' has arrived or needed an injection!! The receptionists at my practice take some getting through - when they ask what the appointments for, should I say for a smear or for a health chat/gynae chat, or what?!

Thanks Meg

05-01-10, 10:57
Yes nurse will be just fine!! i said that i was going for a pill checkup, you shouldnt even need to explain ( some doctor receptionist are horrible arnt they!! i changed my doctor because of this reason).

Im surprised they ask as some medical conditions can be embarrasing, my nurse was lovely and really understanding.

Let me know how you get on :) xx