View Full Version : sinusitis - advice please

Lou 1
05-01-10, 10:44
4 weeks ago i had Tonsilitis and had to take two courses of antibiotics to clear it up, i then got a pretty bad cold that cleared up after a few days but i was left feeling really run down and i had a really heavy head and felt like there was lots of pressure on my head, above my eyes and on the bridge of my nose.
I visited my GP who said it was sinusitis and gave me a course of antibiotics.
I took the course for a week but i havent got any better.
I've been back to my GP this morning and she has given me a different type of antibiotics.
Im really quite worried about this as everything i've read on sinusitis states you have nasal congestion and i dont.
My symptoms are - heavy head, pain and pressure on the bridge of my nose,pain and pressure in my forehead, pain and pressure in the back of my head just below my ears, feel very off balance like im walking on a boat, and feel very exhausted.
I do have a stuffy nose but its not runny or anything and i have been sneezing a lot.
Has anyone else suffered from sinusitis and what symptoms did you have.


05-01-10, 15:29
I've had sinusitus a few times and it's rotten. I had the same symptoms as you, headache, pressure, bunged up nose. Antibiotics eventually worked but also steam inhalations help to soften the catarrah which'll ease the pressure. Also, a drop or two of olbas oil on your neck can help.

claire m
05-01-10, 16:08
i have sinusitis and although my nose hasnt been running alot it is burning and the side of my nose on the right side hurts. I have a bad head all around the eyes and the top of my head and also feel slightly off balance i feel a little sickly too,
hope this helps xx.

05-01-10, 16:18
I can sympathise, i have only had it once, but i found it very painful, and left me very miserable, and to make it worse it was christmas time, i just remember a lot of pressure in my head and a terrific headache...
hope you feel better soon.

:hugs: P x

05-01-10, 16:35
Our family suffers from chronic sinusitis. My daughter has it so bad that she has had surgery.

This is the only thing that relieves the pain and pressure for us. Put a small pot of water on the stove and bring it to a boil. Put a dishtowel over your head and breathe the steam directly for ten minutes. Do this a few times a day. It helps better than putting a vaporizer in the room.

Hope you feel better soon.

05-01-10, 19:01

I'm so sorry you are feeling so rotten. Have you ever heard of a neti pot? It clears your sinuses naturally and also helps for people who have chronic allergies which I do. I have also had sinusitis and sinus infections so I can understand what you are going through. I think you should at least google the neti pot and see what it is about. Ask your doctor before trying anything though. Hoping you feel better soon.

Best wishes,


05-01-10, 20:23
Hi. You poor thing. I use sinutab for the pain avaialabe at a chemist n inhale steam from boiled water mixed with 1 teaspoon of vics to clear congestion.olbas oil is good too n put that on your pillow whilst sleeping.~Good luck.x

Lou 1
06-01-10, 16:56
thanks for all of your replies - i feel really ill today, have really bad pressure in the whole of my head especially around my eyes and nose i also feel really exhausted and sick aswell as really off balance, is this normal with sinusitis?x

margaret jones
06-01-10, 18:34
Lou sorry you dont feel any better all the sympyons do indeed happen to me when i have sinusitius , Re the balance problem my GP looked in my ears and said that there was some fluid caused from my sinus prob which in turn caused my balance prob . He did say it would resolve itself in time , but prescribed some tabs to help, BALANCE AND NAUSEA Being a poor meds taker i have carried on without them so far so not sure if the work or not

Hope you feel better soon

08-01-10, 20:51

i have sinus really bad today, my head feels like its coming off! my eyes really hurt when i blink, i feel spaced out, feel sick and generally feel like crap

love mandie x