View Full Version : Dosage upped from 20-40mg per day

05-01-10, 11:01
Just back from the docs. My Citalopram dose has been upped from 20 to 40mg per day. Just wondering (as I forgot to ask!) - do I take them both at the same time, or is it one in the morning and one at night? Doc said that it may make the anxiety worse for a week or two, and if it does (and becomes unbearable) to drop it back down to 20.

05-01-10, 13:04
Hey Logan

To take them both at the same time :)

I did the same...dont worry the symptoms go soon enough :)

Good Luck xx

05-01-10, 13:43
What I'd do is cut a 20mg tablet in half, to make two 10mg tablets.

Take a 20mg and a 10mg tablet (total of 30mg) at the same time each day for at least 2 weeks.

Then just go onto the normal 40mg dose.

I had no side effects whatsoever from increasing my dose to 30mg in this way. When I went up to 40mg though, which I've beem on for just over a week, I find it harder to fall asleep and my first day on 40mg I felt dizzy for an hour or two.

I have had no other negative side effects.

The positive effects have been massive, a different world from 20mg, and I am kicking myself for not increasing the dose months ago. I no longer feel a constant tension or nervousness, and it is much easier to deal with negative thoughts. Blips are noticeably gentle compared to being on 20mg, and last a few hours rather than a week.

I'm sure you will feel the same. Good luck :)

05-01-10, 14:18
Cheers folks.

I've just taken two together, though I may try to source something to cut them with over the next few days. Tried a knife the other week, and the tablet broke into about a million pieces as well as ending up all over the kitchen floor. :D GP has no problems with upping the dose and she's pleased that I'm monitoring myself with the diazepam/temazepam (taking as and when) as well as being very pro-active in the self help research. I may have to wait a lot longer for the CBT to start.

05-01-10, 20:20
I went up from 20-40mg, and I had not real issues going up from 20 to the 40. I think the only thing was I got a bit tired out and a few mild headaches. Nothing major :yesyes::)

Hereford Al
07-01-10, 12:23
Hi guys. I am thinking of asking to go up a dose, currently on 20mg. Not sure whether it is the time of the year (Post-Christmas blues, etc) but the last few weeks I have been a bit more anxious.

How long will it take to get to 40mg, and were the side effects as bad as starting the Citalopram in the first place?

Also....Is there any benefit?

07-01-10, 12:42
Cheers folks.

I've just taken two together, though I may try to source something to cut them with over the next few days. Tried a knife the other week, and the tablet broke into about a million pieces as well as ending up all over the kitchen floor. :D

You can buy a special tablet cutter, a wee plastic gadget from any pharmacy..I think it costs less than £2.
Saves all the frustration of watching your medication disappear in ten different directions at once..:D

07-01-10, 19:53
As it happens, I'm on my 3rd day of 40mg (from 20mg) and I've not noticed any side effects so far, bar perhaps a little more tiredness which is no bad thing. Fingers crossed that the transition to the larger dose continues to go smoothly.

07-01-10, 20:52
Hi guys. I am thinking of asking to go up a dose, currently on 20mg. Not sure whether it is the time of the year (Post-Christmas blues, etc) but the last few weeks I have been a bit more anxious.

How long will it take to get to 40mg, and were the side effects as bad as starting the Citalopram in the first place?

Also....Is there any benefit?

I found that going up to 40mg really helped me. It was worth having a go with for me, and since then I really have started turning the corner :hugs:

15-01-10, 19:33
Well, have been on 40mg per day for a week and a half now and I'm pleased to report no side-effects, bar feeling a bit more tired all the time (which is no bad thing - makes me sleep better!) The anxiety seems to be lifting, which is good too. :)