View Full Version : scared im having an alergic reaction !

sarah jayne
05-01-10, 11:42
Hi, yesterday i was prescribed meloxicam. Ive got to take 15 mg each day. I was ok yesterday but last night i became really itchy. I didnt think anything of it til this morning after i had taken another tablet. Ive become really itchy everywhere and my lips and tongue are tingling. Its really bad weather where i live, i think we are snowed in. What should i do ? Should i attempt to get to the doctors ?:huh:

05-01-10, 11:46
Hun - it could be! I have been back on pregablin 6 days and each day since I have had hives and think this is prob a reaction. I took it fine before but this time I seem to be struggling.... call doctor. x

sarah jayne
05-01-10, 11:48
Thanks for your reply, i think i will call him x

05-01-10, 11:56
yes looks like it is an alergic reaction

05-01-10, 12:10
My doc has told me to go 24 without the pregabalin (seeing her in the morning anyways) and if the hives go - we know it's a reaction. If they are still there I may be able to attrubute it to the cold. I am 10x more giddy than the first time I took it. I asked if I could have built up an allergy by taking it, stopping it for 3 weeks then starting again and she said it's possible.

Have u called the Doctor?

L x

sarah jayne
05-01-10, 12:23
I couldnt get through, i was on hold for ages so ive rang nhs direct, im waiting for them to ring me back. Its weird that u were ok on pregabalin before and your not now, that happened to me with citalopram x

05-01-10, 14:39
Yes, and citalopram with me also. First time = wonder drug, second time = horrendous headaches for 5 weeks!

Has NHS called you back?

sarah jayne
05-01-10, 15:23
No they havent called back yet, they are a waste of time ! Ive now got a sore chest and pins and needles in my mouth but i think that might be because of me being anxious...x

05-01-10, 15:58
Hi sarah

try and stay as calm as you can, even go into chat while you are waiting for them to call you back. hope maybe you are talking to them as i type.


P x

05-01-10, 16:47
Call your pharmacist. He or she will know more about side effects and allergic reactions than the doctor.
It sound like allergy to me, hon. Don't take any more until you hear something.

05-01-10, 21:08
i don't know about being itchy, from my experience if you get a rash or hives stop taking the medication, the good thing is that you'll be grand if you stop taking the medication right when you notice the rash, its happened me before.
check for any sighns of a rash, shine a light inside your mouth too.