View Full Version : Some medication

05-01-10, 12:41
Im heading out to morrisons today and was wonder if there was anything i could buy to help with anxiety. Im not to keen on prescripton meds, stupid i kno lol

Thanks guys

05-01-10, 13:02
bachs rescue remedy is good, im not overkeen on taking meds either, kalms also work for some people, ive just had accupuncture seeds placed in my ears , there is lots of things to try that that arent prescribed medicines hope you fine something

05-01-10, 13:02
There are lots of things that you can try for anxiety...either in herbal tablet form or something that you usee there and then on your tongue....in my experience...there is a thing called stressless in an orange and yellow box (a sunset pic or something i think) and that has really worked for me and also bachs rescue remedy which can be used on the spot when anxious to calm and reassure....you can use them both together.

Hope this helps
Candy xx

05-01-10, 13:06
Thanks guys :-) what about vitamin b12? Ive heard that's good to take, and my mum suffered from a b12 deficiency and thought id try this. Im hopefully getting a blood test done to help lead me in the right direction lol

05-01-10, 15:19
Yeah used to take that...I think Vitamin B Complex is good.