View Full Version : Chest pain is it coming from tight chest?

anx mum
05-01-10, 12:41
For about 5 days now have had the feeling like i havent got enough air like a suffocatting feeling been really worrying me. Since yesterday ive had chest pain when i press it it hurts does this sound like hyperventalation?

05-01-10, 13:00
hi bev sometimes if you over breathe to much it can cause pain , i get that feeling of only what i can describe as suffocation feeling all the time, its horrible but try to stay positive dont let it get you down to much

anx mum
05-01-10, 15:58
This chest pain is really scaring me feels like a dull ache on breastbone hurts 2 touch anyone had this?

05-01-10, 16:05
its probably where you pulled a muscle over breathing i went to a@e once with it was just advised to take painkillers

anx mum
05-01-10, 16:26
bloody worried now do u think its part of the anxiety was urs in breastbone.

05-01-10, 16:45
I get it in my left breast bone a lot. I went to A&E with it one time cause it got so bad. Was given the all clear and told it was muscular and to take painkillers. Please don't worry, it's nothing serious. Hope you feel better soon.

05-01-10, 17:02
It definitely sounds like anxiety. Chest pain is a common symptom for some people. My sons take chest pain when anxious and they've been reassured it's nothing to worry about. It'll ease off when you relax a bit. Take a painkiller for the discomfort, but I'm sure it's absolutely harmless.

05-01-10, 18:47
Have you tried reading Claire Weekes self help books? I'm reading through one now it's great. i really suggest you get it and have a read as all the symptoms you post about are in there and explained.

anx mum
05-01-10, 19:59
yeah read claire weeks its good seems 2 b never ending

07-01-10, 12:20
Which one have you read? Have you tried to follow her advice? Everything she mentions in the one I have read is something you've had problems with so as she says you need to accept them for what they are and move on. Until you stop thinking about them everyday which you must be as you start a thread every day so you must be in a bad way with these thoughts and symptoms from your body producing too much adrenaline, then you will not start on the road to recovery.

Just look at the sensations square in the face then tell them what they are, strong sensations brought on by yourself only from being gripped with fear so producing too much adrenaline and then ignore them and move on. Who cares if they are there? Just get on with things regardless
