View Full Version : another MS Symptoms :(

05-01-10, 14:23
Hi all, i am having a bad day / week. I woke up this morning & went down stairs i sat on the sofa & was sat normally when i got the worse pins & needles in my left foot it was so bad it didnt go for 10 mins ish. I tired to ignore it & 10 mins ago i just got exactly the same in my right foot :( Lasting 5 mins but the tingling is still there ever so slightly.

I googled ( i know :weep:) and i went on to the NHS website & even on there it said recuurent p & N is a sign on MS, why o why am i so wiorried about every little thing :( x

05-01-10, 14:35
I think the pins and needles is a common symptom of anxiety although I cannot be a rational voice of reason by any means! I'm already starting my underarm/breast cancer antics again :(

I really don't think it's MS though.You would have far more symptoms but symptoms of MS mimic alot of other less serious things but if you are worried go to your gp love and I'm sure they will make sure you are ok.

My partner used to get alot of leg cramps and cramp in his left arm and he started thinking he had something wrong with his muscles but as soon as he tried to forget about it,the symptoms vanished.

I know what worrying AND googling can do to HA though.
And you prob know NOT to google but that's the resonable voice telling us that..but HA voice is sometimes louder and we push the google button!
Don't worry love please. xxx

05-01-10, 15:38
hi tash i cannot advise you how not to worry about every little symptom because i to am the same, i need constant reassurance that im ok, I to get pins and needles and my hands or leg will fall asleep really easily if im sitting slightly funny. My hands are a big worry for me at the moment every night i wake up and they are dead. Its a constant worry and i think we both know that we worry about ms because it is so hard to diagnose, but we have both got to get to the stage where we can say to ourselves i dont have an ms diagnosis right now i probably wont tomorrow either and if i do i will deal with it. People who actually have ms probably cope a whole lot better than the likes of you and i and everybody else who worrys about it but has not been diagnosed. Tash i know this is so much easier said than done and i need to find a way to get there im having cbt at the moment not sure its really helping but i dont seem to be obsessing quite so much. I think it is a form of ocd as we constantly check and reassure and need reassurance. I dont think you have got ms or any other neurological disease im having quite a calm day today so i can rationalise with myself i think that ms would definatley hit you much harder and you wouldnt be able to sit there dwelling whether it is or isnt it would be so obvious. Also The pins and needles in ms lasts for days to weeks then goes not 5 mins here and 5 mins there. Sorry for the long post its just i know exactly how your feeling as i feel the same way xxxx