View Full Version : In your opinion is this anxiety or should I freak out?

05-01-10, 14:48
Here are my symptoms:

Right eye has felt weird for 4 days, tired like I've pulled a muscle around the eyelid or something. It feels droopy but it isn't.

Yesterday it started to cry a bit of it's own accord. Just the right eye.

Today i've still got the discomfort, but another strange symptom too - my right ear feels strange, as if there's blood rushing to it. Not constant, but this combined with the eye symptoms is convincing me I have some kind of brain tumour or stroke impending.

Someone please put my mind at rest

05-01-10, 14:55
Is it sore? I could be something as simple as a little infection? Eyes,ear,throat etc are all connected but I know you will worry love so I would say try get a hold of your doctor? Or try the NHS 24 to put your min dat rest and have it checked out?
Sorry I am of no more help :( I'm going through a bad patch meself xx

05-01-10, 15:08
Possibly the fact your thinking about it non stop is bringing the ache on. I know because I do this myself which in turn can lead to a real ache as your subconciously tensing that area

05-01-10, 15:14
If it keeps up get it checked out but there are so many bugs, viruses, etc. around just now, affecting eyes, ears, throats, tummys - it's probably something like this.

05-01-10, 21:40
maybe you have a lazy eye? as the same happens to mine

05-01-10, 23:16
Thought lazy eye was only something kids got, also my vision isn't affected. I do wear contacts though. Feels more like a muscular problem than a vision one.

It's the combination of symptoms that bothers me - the right eye and the right ear weird symptoms. I just can't stop worrying about the possibility of a stroke,

Although on the plus side my chest pains aren't happening while I freak out about this latest medical catastrophe.

05-01-10, 23:29
It might be an infection that has spread. Have you seen the FAST adverts for strokes - if half your face is paralysed and you can't smile, if you can't raise your arms above your head, then it's time to get urgent medical help. Your symptoms are not stroke symptoms.

06-01-10, 08:38
Well here's what NOT to do - last night I decided to google 'blood rushing to ear feeling', and found a forum reply saying:

"hi, I had this symptom and it turned out to be a brain aneurysm"

so that got me googling 'brain aneurysm symptoms' - BIG MISTAKE

funnily enough, I woke up in the night because of a severe pain in the OTHER ear which lasted about 30 seconds. I've had this before, I think it's to do with lying on the ear in a certain way.

Anyway, today I still have a weird feeling in my right ear and a droopy feeling (not visibly) right eye. I'm now convinced it must be an undiagnosed brain aneurysm.

I'm struggling with this...

06-01-10, 15:01
I very often suffer from the feeling that I cannot open my eyelid properly, especially in the mornings and usually only one eye is affected...it can feel droopy andunresponsive for a day. In my case this is linked to fibromyalgia but it is a bit disconcerting. I also get pain behind my eye and ear sometimes when I have got chilled or been sitting in a draugh?....sorry spelling is naff! as the others say a visit to the Doc would reassure you ...I don't think for a minute that your symptoms are serious, but you will not relax until a professional tells you so, so maybe you owe it to yourself to get that verdict. Please do not googe any more either!!! Very bad idea.
Take care and let us know how you go on.

06-01-10, 15:06
I had a similar feeling in my ear and when I went to the docs to check it out i had a blocked tube apparently! My ear itself was fine but the tube that runs from my ear to my throat was blocked! The doc did not give me anything, just told me to go home rest and take sudafed or ibuprofen!
Try not to worry too much and just see how your symptoms go

06-01-10, 15:12
Hi Skippy
Sorry that you feel unwell. Could you visit your gp because he is the only person to confirm what you have.
It won't be a stroke or brain aneurysm , because you would definitely know about it and you wouldn't be sat at your pc typing if it was. You would be requiring urgent medical attention. I have seen my mum when she was alive,have strokes in the past, and she couldn't do a thing and was out of it.
Maybe what you have is an ear or eye infection? and there are a lot of viruses around at the moment.
I hope you are soon feeling much better.