View Full Version : Is my head normal???

26-11-05, 17:17
I've tried researching this a bit on the net but if I look into it too much it just causes me to panic thinking I may have all these different diseases.

I suffer from panic attacks and I know dizzy spells are normal for this...But what about the ones that wake me up in the middle of the night making me feel like I'm going to pass out? And the ringing in my ears when everything is quiet. I've had my head scanned so no tumors. Can anyone help????


26-11-05, 17:59
yep. common anxiety symptoms

i kept waking in the middle of the night covered in sweat and not knowing where i was, just an overactive brain. Im sure you've had a bad dream and felt the same. this passes as you start to recover.

ringing in the ears could be tinnitus, this can also be brought on by anxiety.

my advice is stop looking for symptoms on the net, as my doctor said "give a medical book to someone with a cough and they'll think theyve got cancer".

26-11-05, 22:37
hi misty

yes i agree with robby. this is all common symptoms of anxiety im afraid to say.sigh. i too have these but the ear thing gets worse depending on how high anxiety is. so dont worry. as u heal this will get better. big hug.

take care.xxx

ptsd sufferer.

lin x

27-11-05, 00:38
Hi Misty,

Please don't search your symptoms, this will only make you feel worse.

Sorry to hear how you are feeling,

Some people wake up with full bown panic, some people wake up with DP/dr and some people wake up feeling really dizzy or other symptoms.

When I was acute I used to wake up with full blown panic, then it change to another symptom, then another, and lots of time's I just woke up feeling terrified and not knowing why.

I have had the ringing in the ears too,

I know it's hard Misty, but try and not to fear these symptoms.
It is hard when you wake up sudden with a symptom, to change your thoghts patterns, but you must try. Keep telling yourslef it's anxiety.

Do you go back to sleep?

Writeing down your thoughts and going over them and changing the negative thougths to positve one's can help.

I know that for me that thinking about the night symptoms during the day and telling myself there was nothing to be scared of helped me move on a little.

Remember Misty this all take's time, but with alot of hard work support and time, you CAN learn how to feel better.



When you fear something,
learn as much about it as you can.
Knowledge conquers fear.

27-11-05, 02:40
When I've had these episodes at night I just wake up dizzy no other symptoms unless I start to panic because of the dizzyness. If I sit up or take a walk to the lounge and back to the bedroom it seems to subside.

They don't feel like the usual dizzy spells I get during the day with panic attacks. Is it still the same thing though?


27-11-05, 07:46
I have dizzy spells both during the day and at night too because of panic and at night the dizzy sensation is ENTIRELY different! I think I hate the night spells worse because they are even scarier...but I definatley know you don't have anything to worry about, except how awful it feels, I've had scans too and it seems we're both in the clear.

My boyfriend, my doctor and my parents have all banned me from researching symptoms, my doctor says since I have had clear scans I have more of a chance of being in danger from flying pandas!!!! I guess you'd better start looking out for those too! :D

"This too, shall pass"

23-05-06, 23:54
hi my name is karen and i am new to this site.i was just reading on wot u were saying and i can honestly say ive got to go and see my gp tommorow over the ringin sensation ive been getting tonite seems to be really bad i feel as thou ive just left a very load disco i didnt give it a thought it would be connected with anxiety im also waiting for a scan which is making me very anxious wonderig wot they might find with reading your message im starting to feel am not on my own

24-05-06, 00:03
Hi re dizziness, I've posted loads regarding this. I used to have bad dizzy spells, diagnosed with vertigo, easier to control in the day, worse at night, I'd wake up in the middle of an attack. was on meds at times and there was so many 'moves' i couldn't do, sleeping on my right side was a no no as i would alsways have an attack. 4 years ago saw a balance theralpist who gave me exercises to do, and i can honestly sat=y that they have eased, i can sleep on my right side, lay flat etc. i still have some 'attacks' but I recover quicker. the exercise are simple and they halep release tension in neck muscles (stress anxiety) and retarins the brain to accept movements that would have otherwise made me dizzy. I too have ringing in ears at times, he said this was perfectly normal. Hope this helps. If you are interested in the exercises OM me and I'll talk through them
Take care


'This too will pass'

10-06-06, 14:32
Hi Daisybun, i have a neck problems, so have lots of balance concerns and lots and lots of tinitus, could you tell me your exercises so this may help my symptoms, thankyou.
Angiebaby. x

10-06-06, 23:09
Yes, do not research the symptoms! It's hard to not research what is wrong with you because you want to get better, but just relax and in time your anxiety will pass.

I didn't know ringing in the ears coule be anxiety, I had them before once in a while, when I never had any problems, so the noise could be normal.

14-06-06, 15:26
I have an interesting case.

My dizzy spells and head-rushes generally last for many days at a time. I become incapacitated and cannot walk without losing balance. I become very nauseated and vomit every hour or so. Last time this happened, I had to miss work for about four days and could barely eat anything. Very bad.

The strange thing is that my wife is now experiencing the dizzy spells, and my 14 month old son seemed to have experienced the problem briefly for a couple of hours, being unable to stand, his head leaning over and his eyes shifting around (dizziness) while he cried loudly. I don't think this is caused by anxiety, or tumor, etc.

What could cause myself, my wife and my carefree 14 month old to have this problem?

Very strange.

16-06-06, 23:30
That is strange isn't it. Well i was going to say for you it could be menier's syndrome, it sounds like that, but seeing as the whole family has it, it could be a virus. There is no treatment for a virus, your bodies will fight it theirselves, but it does take time. My husband had a virus and he fell over off a ladder, and couldn't stand or even focus his eyes. I had the emergency doctor out who said it was a virus and it would go on it's own in time, which it did. It is horrible though, i know. Angiebaby. x

14-08-08, 20:09
Oh man this fourm is excellent. I can't look up anything on internet either cuase then I think I have everything I read. I think alot of us who suffer from panic attacks are also a bit hpypercondriac. (sorry for the spelling)