View Full Version : Feeling lost and so sad, please help

05-01-10, 15:07
Hi everyone,

If you haven't read my health concern in my recent post, then long story short, I have a dull ache in my left breast, it feels heavy and numb. It's as if everything is focused there and all I can feel is my left breast. It sounds stupid. There's no lump, it looks okay, it feels okay to the touch, but it 'feels' weird. I have a doc appt tomorrow but I've basically convinced myself it's cancer. At 24 I know its unlikely but I keep telling myself it happens to some people, and that it's going to be me. I have this gut instinct that it's cancer and have convinced myself I can't be wrong.

I have had some anxiety in the past - went through a phase of breathing problems, air hunger - not able to get a full breath which I thought was a collapsed lung, and some tension headaches which I thought was a tumour. Those symptoms were very real but they were just anxiety. This symptom is real but I can't get my head around the fact that this could be anxiety too - it's just such a weird sensation.

I feel really low and alone right now. I just spent a full hour crying. I've tried taking deep breaths but it doesn't really help too much. The only thing that seems to help is a hot water bottle, that seems to calm me down and soothe the ache. Also, embarassingly the only other thing is sex as during sex I totally forget about it. Afterwards it comes straight back.

I feel like I cant concentrate or do anything I want to do because I'm so preoccupied with thinking I have cancer. What can I do? Please can someone help me know what to do with myself?

05-01-10, 15:19
hello ,i was a cancer nurse ,, i dont think your feeling in the breast is cancer sure your docter will comfirm this ,, we all gat stange feelings in diff parts of our body its anxiety ,it causes us to concentrate one one pain or feeling not nice ,,this feeling could be due to hormones ..more than anything ,, if it goes uring sex sounds like you need something to take your mind off things so try listen to music dance round house sing , sounds silly but the mind needs ocupying like anything else xx:bighug1::bighug1::bighug1:

05-01-10, 16:47
Thanks for your reply. I hope you're right. I do think when my mind is off it, it feels better which makes me think it probably is anxiety, but then when it's there (most of the time!) it feels so real that I can't appreciate that it might just be in my head. I just want to feel normal again.

05-01-10, 16:59
Karlyo, I found out i had depression about 8 weeks ago, but 2 years prior to that i thought i had alsorts of things one after another, i was in hospital for all kinds of tests. It now looks like the depression was the root cause of almost everything. Basically i spent 2 years worrying over nothing it seems. I know it's hard but try to see the better side of everything, the funny side, it does help worrying, believe me. You may have something but on the other hand you may be perfectly fine. Try to take each day as it comes, and try not to worry about everything.:hugs:

05-01-10, 17:02
Sorry meant to say "It does not help worrying"

05-01-10, 17:06
Hi Karlyo

You say when your mind is off it you feel better. This is a strong example to show that it definitly IS anxiety related. I get pains in my left breast from time to time, so I know how hard it is not to think the worst. But you're very young to have breast cancer. Anxiety is a horrible thing, like you I've had times where found myself not being able to stop crying. It's horrible. It makes you feel lost and feel as though you'll never be the same again, but you will.

Good luck with your doctor's appointment tomorrow. WHEN (not if:)) he reassures you that your completely healthy, maybe this will be enough to help you feel 'normal' again.

05-01-10, 17:15
Yes, the mind can bring on all sorts of things, i know that from my own experiance's. It's awful thinking every week may be your last. Best to try to look on the bright side of everything if you can. I know it easier said than done.