View Full Version : GAD

05-01-10, 16:12
does gad and panic attacks go hand in hand?i find the more pent up worry i have the bigger the attaks.its like if you get a bottle of coke n shake it up n then tk the lid off it explodes thats how i feel.does anyone else feel the same?i hate the bodily symptoms too argh god i could scream!!!!

05-01-10, 17:19
They very commonly can go together yes......I normally have social anxiety but after stress at work and stuff I had a few months of general anxiety where I seemed to have it ALL the time!! The symptoms are horrible and it does feel like you are about to explode (or faint) So yes....a lot of people feel the same as us! I think panic is the most horrible thing!!!

07-01-10, 04:58
yes they usually go hand in hand I hate IT would'nt wish it on my worst enemy,almost daily my body has tingling and numbness alot of it in the face and head,at the moment my legs are tingling,all due to panic and anxiety,i am learning to live with It:)take care .........Ronny

07-01-10, 09:31
cud i av a mood disorder??they fluctuate all the time or cud this just be down to the gad?