View Full Version : bluish lips

05-01-10, 17:39
ok, firstly im really really sorry for posting again, i realise im being a huge pain in the arse, but dont have anyone else to ask.
ok, i was pacing up and down he living room, i worry about dvt from lying on the couch all day, so i decided to grab the bull by the.. and do a bit of exersise, i was also talking away while doing this, when i wandered to the kitchen, i noticed that my lips were slightly blue tinged, not navy or anything but bluer than they were. i was a little out of breath, i had this once before, when i came in from the cold, but my house is warm. now im convinced my hearts away to fail. i definately wont be getting off the couch now. does anyone else get this? i was scared to post this in case no one else did. thanks to anyone reading this.

05-01-10, 18:06
Hi, Louise,
You aren't a pain. This forum was created for support. I do know how you feel though. With my posts of late, I feel like I am a big pain!

Do you think you could be a tad anemic? If you've been lying on the couch for a long period, your body isn't used to exercise -- even walking around. You may feel better the more walking you do. I really don't think it's your heart. Have you been eating well? It sounds like your iron could be low.

05-01-10, 18:11
Louise you are not a pain, you are posting on a forum that is available for every anxious thought we have. (Although a couple of posts I've read the last day or two beggar belief!!) It's probably because you've had more oxygen going round your body because of the exercise. I honestly don't think it's anything serious. I've seen loads of people with bluish tinged lips and they're perfectly healthy.

05-01-10, 18:23
thank you, i just feel im posting so much, nuthing but complaining! cant help the panic tho, its like with all the chest pains a few weeks ago, i kept telling myself, your a healthy colour, lips not blue, nail beds fine, blood ox must be ok. now im thinking oh c***, mibby heart is goin, really need these test results back so i know one way or the other. the waitin killin me, am also half wondering if its the power of suggestion, like im my lips seem a normal colour, must be ok, then suddenly my minds telling me they going blue, so they do? dunno does this happen? thank you for your advice, it helpin calm me a wee bit.

05-01-10, 18:29
My friend had this today. She went outside and then came back in and her lips were really blue. We assumed it was just from the cold but about two hours later and we were still inside they went blue again and she wasn't even cold.