View Full Version : stressed out

26-11-05, 19:10
today has not been a good day. i got a cold the other day and its still here. went to work today feeling really bad, since i came home ive been so stressed. ive done the dinner and the house work,im soo tired i feel so worn out. my son is playing with the cat at the moment and its driving me mad. hes running around up and down the stairs even though i tell him to calm down he wont. im so scared that one of these days hes gonna go tumbling down the stairs the way hes carriyng on.
stairs and kids dont go together.
everything just seem to stressed me out tonight. i dont like feeling like this. im sitting here close to tears and for what??!! i dont know.....
can anyone relate to this??

Tan The Man
26-11-05, 19:56
Hi twiglet

Sorry to hear that you are feeling down. I can relate to you feeling completely stressed by the smallest of things. I used to go for weeks feeling this way, the slightest thing would make me feel really tense and irritable. It was difficult to shake off. But I found that I had to remind my self to 'chill out' and relax and not be so easily worked up.

So, I suggest that you join in playing with your son and the cat (but not on the stairs) :D:D

Take Care

26-11-05, 20:01
Aww Twigs its horrible when we feel really stressed.

The cold bug seems to be everywhere at the moment doesn't it.

Could your son come and do something quieter with you like some crayoning or maybe resort (like we all do) to popping a dvd on.

Love Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

26-11-05, 20:02
thanks tan,
im abit better now. i ended up playing and building train tracks and things.:)
i guess its just one of those days when everything gets on top of you.
thanks for the kind words.....
its just so hard when you feels so down...
take care,

26-11-05, 20:05
thanks piglet.
yeah i think its the cold thats really getting me down and stressed.
hopefully it will pass soon....
take care,

26-11-05, 20:18

its just the cold thats getting to you remember you are resiliant and can overcome anything at all. Play with your son forget the house work hes a better stress relief than anyhting else. You will feel much better when you get rid of the cold

26-11-05, 20:46
hell yeah, i can relate. i get really stressed, tense, things piss me off, the kids seem to do the slightest thing and i snap, my new boyfriend is takin it at the moment! to the point all the stress is stressing me out enough, im considering splitting with my boyfriend so thes no more argueing, and stress!

26-11-05, 21:11
hi twig,

i had a bad day too today, they suck huh!

just recharge those batteries tonight....2moro is a new day!
