View Full Version : Really worried

05-01-10, 19:29
Been having problems for the last month or so when going toilet. Have noticed even more just lately when i wipe myself after going toilet there is bright red blood on the paper, not just that but hard to explain mixed in with my stools there is like tiny pin head sized red balls which i have never noticed before, my stools are normal colour, i am also often quite itchy around my anus.

I did go to see the doctor about 3 weeks ago, he did a rectum examination and said everything was ok and could not see any cuts. Only thing was which i am embarresed to say was that he could see that i had thread worms, have took treatment for that now and it has cleared up.

I am starting to get really freaked out now and think there is something seriously wrong, i keep thinking its cancer or something like that, i dont know what to do. I am 29 years old and quite a bit overweight.

05-01-10, 20:06
hey jay dont stress yourself too much i have had blood in stools in can be a number of things but because you are young unlikely to be anything serious. if you are really worried the doctor can refer you for sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy.

all the best

05-01-10, 21:12
Internal hemorrhoids maybe? I was having a similar issue the past few weeks. The itchiness has been around off and on for a while, but the blood is pretty rare. Although I know when going to the bathroom if there is a chance that blood will be there. It is most likely nothing to be concerned about.

11-01-10, 20:17
Thanks for your replies, have been back to the doctors today. After discussing things with me he said more than likely due to my age symptoms he thinks it proberly is piles, but just to check and make sure he has booked an appointment to se a specialist.

I know it is for the best but i am teriffied incase they find anything seriously wrong, i can imagine been diagnosed and been told its untreatable or something, i dont know how i cannot worry about it until my appointment.

11-01-10, 20:30
hi i am having the same problem my doctor also says its nothing serious but you cant help but worry can you