View Full Version : Thirsty?

05-01-10, 20:04
Sorry for posting so many different threads. Noticeably in the last week I have felt thirsty a lot, mainly in the evenings. I tend to go to the toilet quite a bit but not hugely different for me.

I gave up drinking so much coffee a few weeks ago...could this be it? Now I only have one or two cups a day whereas before I had sometimes 7+ through regular coffee 'rounds' at work and so one.

I had a glucose test when I was pregnant with my daughter a year and a half ago and it was fine.

05-01-10, 22:43

I was gonna post something like this today. For the past few days my mouth has been really dry and im drinking more.

Iv had slight sniffles and temp past few days so could be that, but mind is working overtime now and im thinking diabetes

love mandie

05-01-10, 23:31
Mandie, sounds like you've got a mild winter virus and you need more water because it is making you slightly dehydrated.

Scorpion, how much water do you drink during the day? Are you on any medication?

06-01-10, 11:46
thank u poet, i have a sore thoat today so sounds like yr right.

this bloomin health anxiety lol

mandie x

06-01-10, 11:55
i agree you just drink and keep warm x

06-01-10, 20:33
No I'm on no meds - trying to get through all this on my own. I feel bad for posting so often...

I have been thinking about it and it isn't a thirst, more constant dry mouth which makes me drink. My throat is hurting a bit so maybe it is that but so is my neck, like a pain for the last 2 days on the right, feels almost like a stitch and that a muscle is sticking out.

I'm really not coping at the moment and feeling really panicky and upset...I don't really know what to do anymore.