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View Full Version : Dunno whats going on

05-01-10, 22:16
I wrote this down earlier as I've not had a good day at all. Does this all sound like HA or something worse.

I feel really weird.I find it hard to do anything.
I'm really scared I have schizophrenia or am developing it. IF it's not that then I must have a brain tumor. There must be something other than anxiety thats causing this.

I feel like im losing my mind. I feel so out of it all the time. My surroundings feel so ufamiliar. Surely i'm getting closer to psychosis.
My head is killing me now. This only reinforces the idea that I have a brain tumor. I have such a headache and I have a pulsing on the top of my head which feels like someone is ressing on it.

Even when I move my hand aross my face it feels weird. The jeans on my leg feel weird.Maybe I've never recovered from the LSD i took in 1999. It's done something to me that can never be reversed.

Deep down I know I have anxietyand I know I have an excessive wory about my health, but why? Is there another illness going on thats causing me to be like this. Psychotic depression has hypochndria as one of its symptoms. Maybe the little patterns I see in my vision are hallucinations and I've had psychosis for years and its just been masked by the citalopram.

Even this seems weird. The way the pen leaves it's ink on the page. I find myslf questioning all of this.

The snow today. Is it real or just a figment of my imagination? What is real and what isn't and how would I know? I have to assume at the minute that everything is real even though it sees so unfamiliar.

I just want to go back and get rid of the drugs i did when I was younger. It was so stupid. I just want to feel normal again. I don't want to be in pain ad have all these weird feelings.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.


06-01-10, 13:12
Please tell me this sounds familiar to people with health anxiety and not something much worse. Do I need to be getting worried?


06-01-10, 13:22
it does sound like very bad health anxiety your having,have you told the docter about your bad head ,, one thing it might be is low tyroid this can cause so many problems

06-01-10, 13:28
Thanks for the reply gypsywomen.

had a test for tat a couple of years ago and it came back ok.

Im just so scared schizophrenia or something like that is around the corner.


06-01-10, 13:33
dosent sound like it ,, it sounds more like anxiety,just becuse you had it checked befor doesnt mean its not low now when its low it can make the brain not think clear ,

06-01-10, 13:55
Hey dude i dont think you would have it other wise you wouldent be on here asking if you do you would be in your own little world and you would start beliving what you were seeing or hearing or felling. Psychosis is a little dif but alot of people with psychosis with treatment make a full recovery just try not to think to hard about the strange thoughts like why am i here,What if im not real etc just go with the flow even though i know thats hard to do..