View Full Version : Lost my apetite!!

05-01-10, 22:39
Again!! happened earlier in 2009 too, why would this happen? even went in to town to cafe today, thought if someone cooked a meal for me I would want it, but no I couldnt eat it!
Is this a symptom of stress etc? I dont get stressed or so I thought, maybe because I never used to I dont recognise the symptoms?

05-01-10, 22:55
I lost my appetite when the latest bout of anxiety began, back in November of last year. It's not good, but the key to getting around it is to eat little and often, as well as taking on plenty liquid. Hopefully your appetite will return soon.

05-01-10, 23:08
My appetite is affected with stress and anxiety .But you do need to eat something or you will get really run down .Smoothies and complan milkshakes will give you the vitamins to keep you going .You dont want to loose too much weight ,it will also affect your nervous system and make everything a whole lot worse .I do hope you feel better soon .Luv SUE X

05-01-10, 23:23
My appetite is affected with stress and anxiety .But you do need to eat something or you will get really run down .Smoothies and complan milkshakes will give you the vitamins to keep you going .You dont want to loose too much weight ,it will also affect your nervous system and make everything a whole lot worse .I do hope you feel better soon .Luv SUE X

Thanks for your replies, believe me I try to eat, having lost both my parents and they couldnt eat It freaks me out!
Cant believe I sat there in a cafe on my own, never done that before, and had to explain to waitress that the food was fine just couldnt eat it, will try to snack a bit more and hopefully get back into eating.

06-01-10, 00:33
I find anxiety affects my appetite quite a lot, sometimes I feel sick and my mouth is dry and my jaw won't move to chew food and my throat doesn't want to swallow. It's best not to make a big thing of food. It goes against what you're normally told but do snack. Eat things that you can start now and put in the fridge to finish later. Try liquid things like yoghurt. In the short term, concentrate on getting enough calories and keeping your blood sugar level fairly even so that you have energy. Don't worry about the exact nutrition too much in the short run. Also try to distract yourself from the fact that you're trying to eat, by watching TV at the same time.

magic girl
06-01-10, 10:15
iv hardly eaten since my latest setback i have fruit smoothies and i eat small amounts of cereal but i know how hard it is when you just don't want it and its difficult to swallow and you may also feel sick but try to perservere and also try a multi vitamin.take care and i hope you feel better soon:hugs:

07-01-10, 03:36
What I think often happens is that when we become anxious we tense all our muscles, including your stomach muscles. We hold them tight and in which puts pressure on the stomach making us lose our appetite. We need to remember to relax them.

Also though, anxiety creates excess acid which also has the same effect.:hugs:

08-01-10, 00:58
I had this for about a month when my anxiety came back in November, i don't think i ate properly for about 3 weeks but i just ate soup and bread to keep me going. My apetite is slowly coming back though which is good. I hope you feel better soon :)