View Full Version : Help with citalopram

05-01-10, 23:30

First of all, sorry for my poor english... in fact, it's hard to find good sites like this in my language (portuguese).

Well, I'm on citalopram (20 mg) for 10 weeks or so... after two weeks (as the doctor said it would be), I started feeling like the "old me" again.

Then we went out and I took one single beer (500 ml - the doctor said it was ok).... I was feeling really good that day, almost euphoric, I would say....

But the next day was really awfull. I felt *really* anxious... and I didn't use to be anxious before, but depressive.

Well, the next days after that, I felt depressive just like before starting with citalopram... and after a few more days, it started working again...

At that time I didn't think that the regression had any relation to alcohol.. but a few days later it all started again... anxiety for a day, and depression for a couple of days.... and again...

So I began to remeber what I did just before those crisis began... and found that I have drunk alcohol all the times.

I have read several posts and found that many people had the same problem. But that is really funny... the doctor said there was no problem on drinking one or two beers sometimes.... the instructions of this med say it does not interact with alcohol!

Needless to say, if I have to choose between being the old me again and drinking beer.... I choose the first option! So I'm stopping to drink any alcohol, even small quantities.. (last time was on new year's celebration).

I'm just curious to know why this is happening.... is alcohol blocking the med's effect? Am I risked to suffer from the withdrawal effects? I mean, I am following the doctors recommendations strictly and taking the med every morning.... but if something cancel its effects, what would happen?

Thanks in advance for any ideas...

06-01-10, 03:03
i've just started on citalopram for the 2nd time but when i was on it before if i ever drank it did exactly the same to me it would make me really anxious and down for a few days and then kick in again. It has always said in my instructions not to drink with them but i know some people are fine drinking. It must just affect us all differently.

06-01-10, 20:40
Hi Jem21,

Well, definitely, I will keep away from alcohol from now on....

I didn't use to drink too much... but after reading some articles, I guess alcohol will be bad to me even if I'm not taking any meds.... since it is a depressant....

06-01-10, 22:08
I can't really drink any more on it. I've never had a hangover in my life until I started on citalopram, and now mytolerance is gone. I don't get anxious after drinking, but I do feel like utter poop for a day or 2 after, even if I just have a couple of drinks.

06-01-10, 22:49
I waited for about 8weeks after starting cit before i drunk anything and i didnt find that i felt anxious the next day, quite the opposite, maybe a bit moody but nothing more than usual on a hangover.
Gotta say that the hangovers were a hell of a lot worse whilst taking cit than they were before, and i seemed to be a lot more spaced out for the days that follwed.
I know that they say that cit doesnt interact with alcohol but it does seem make a difference to how i feel when i drink and the days after.
Guess its different for everyone and your going to have to do what feels right for you. Glad the cits helping you feel like your old self again tho :)
Also you english is good by the way :)


07-01-10, 22:53
Hi BunnyMazonas, pheetuz,

Thanks for your comments... well, next time I see the doctor I will tell him about this... so he can warn other patients :).

susan c
08-01-10, 21:11
Ola Sam, Como é?

Espero que minha tradução está OK? Vivi em Portugal durante um ano mas não aprendeu muito.

I think it's best to continue in English. Haha. I have just started on Citalopram. I wanted to say obrigada for the information. I don't drink very often but enjoy the very occassional glass of wine or Baileys. mmm Baileys. lol.

tome cuidado


09-01-10, 18:18
Olá Susan!

Você consegue se comunicar bem :). Anyway, I think portuguese is a kind of difficult language to learn...

Well, back to citalopram.. it seems that other people have different reactions when drinking... but after I found that alcohol can make depression worse, I guess I will be very carefull when drinking, even when I am off the med...