View Full Version : Anxiety through the roof tonight

06-01-10, 00:35
OMG my head is whizzing with all these thoughts and I just can't relax.

Sorry this might be a long one. I'm such a loon.

1. The fluttering in my throat which makes me cough - I keep thinking there is something seriously wrong as its been there for 3 weeks and won't go away. :weep:

2. I keep getting a quick pang of nausea every now and then.

3. I feel dizzy, detached, not here, talking in a tunnel or in my head.

4. I feel breathless

5. I keep burping alot which worries me.

6. My partner left me a week ago and is showing no signs of missing me which is giving me panic attacks and frustration.

7. I'm short fused with my kids because the fluttering in my throat is annoying me so much that I can't think of anything else.

8. I just can't relax. My jaw is clenched al the time and when I relax it the fluttering gets worse. Also gets worse when I lean backwards or lie on my back.

I'm just a nervous wreck. Why me? Why is it that everyone else just carries on their normal life and I have symptom after symptom to deal with?

06-01-10, 00:59
the fluttering could be heart palpitations as i get the same sensation.
but heart palpitations are harmless and a common symptom of anxiety.
definitely all stress and anxiety :-(
aw sorry to hear your partner left. did he leave for good?
n wonder your so anxious and having to look after the children on top of it all.
i think see your doctor and mention the anxiety and the fluttering .
your going through a lot right now, it's ok to be anxious , eventually everything will even out and you start to feel more yourself :-)

06-01-10, 01:11
Thanks Mishel :)

I went to A and E and they did an ECG which was clear. My heart is regular as these flutters are happening although it does feel very similar to a palpitation. The hospital said my heart was fine.

They have done a full thyroid test which I hope to get the results on Thursday. My GP has asked me to see him then and he says if it isn't my thyroid it just could be stress and anxiety.

I have an endoscopy on the 14th January so hopefully they can tell me that everything is ok.

My partner says he doesn't want me back because I'm such a hyperchondriac. I can understand him but I just wish I could click my fingers and be fine. I also have Fibromyalgia and that is hard to deal with too.

Its just one never ending roller coaster.

06-01-10, 02:55
aw it's not nice having a sensation you cannot explain or find a cause and then having to trust that is may just be a symptom of anxiety even if it starts before your anxious !
I had a thyroid test done , came back normal, so hope it goes well for you too.
aw an endoscopy well I guess it's good they are running tests on you to be safe :-)
I had one of those done they sedate you or put you into a light sleep.
seriously the worst part is that spray they some times use on your throat! just doesn't feel so nice.
maybe having some one to talk to even a therapist might help?
i know having someone leave you can affect your confidence and self worth and make you question your self.
but all you can be is yourself and if your self isn't good for someone else then you deserve better!

magic girl
06-01-10, 10:02
hi kay24 im so sorry your partner has left but if thats their attitude to you being ill i think your better off without them.you dont say how old your kids are,if they are school age please speak to a teacher as they could ofer help with the kids or point you in the right direction and please take all the support you are offered you need it and also ask your doc for extra help or even your health visitor as there are organisations who will help lone parents i know from mums i know who are on there own.and for your self you need to be feffured to your local mental health team,they often have a team that will support you at home,i hope you feel better soon AND YOU ARE NOT A HYPOCONDRIAC i think most people in your situation would be in a right state so take care and keep us posted:hugs:

07-01-10, 03:31
1. The fluttering in my throat which makes me cough - I keep thinking there is something seriously wrong as its been there for 3 weeks and won't go away. :weep:

Simply caused by not feeling able to relax. Focus on relaxing your throat muscles.

2. I keep getting a quick pang of nausea every now and then.

Your stomach is creating too much acid due to too much stress which then makes you feel sick. You then worry about feeling sick which then creates more acid and so on!

3. I feel dizzy, detached, not here, talking in a tunnel or in my head.

Dizziness and detached feelings are caused by shallow rapid breathing. Take Long deep breaths.

4. I feel breathless

Same thing. Take Long deep breaths.

5. I keep burping alot which worries me.

Too much stress causes us to swallow air because our mouths become dry due to fear. Worrying about it causes more fear and so on. The excess air has to come out one end or the other!!!

6. My partner left me a week ago and is showing no signs of missing me which is giving me panic attacks and frustration.

This is the cause behind your excess stress. If that's the way he feels, it's His loss so learn to accept you're better off and deserve better!

7. I'm short fused with my kids because the fluttering in my throat is annoying me so much that I can't think of anything else.

Learn how to relax your muscles throughout your body. Learn a relaxation technique.

8. I just can't relax. My jaw is clenched al the time and when I relax it the fluttering gets worse. Also gets worse when I lean backwards or lie on my back.

You won't let yourself relax. You clench because of tension and to keep your throat tight to stop the fluttering but you need to do the opposite. Relax both your teeth And your throat by taking Deep breaths.

I'm just a nervous wreck. Why me? Why is it that everyone else just carries on their normal life and I have symptom after symptom to deal with?

Because not everyone is as sensitive or as caring as you. You've suffered a trauma/loss. You need time to come to terms so you can move forward. Don't look back.:hugs: