View Full Version : day 5 and not sleeping

06-01-10, 03:24
Hi i am day 5 into citalopram and find i am not sleeping at all, i've been taking it at about 4pm. My doctor prscribed some sleeping tablets yesterday to get me through but although i nodded of quite quickly last night i was still awake every 2 hours and tonight i cant sleep at all, even before i went on the meds i was sleeping some. Am i better taking my tablet at another time or will this pass?

unicorn 0578
06-01-10, 07:07
Hello, I am no expert, but I think it could be early days for your body to adjust to the medication.

Have you tried all the old fashioned sleep aids eg warm bath before bed, lavender oil on your pillow, relaxation CD before bed etc etc. I take sleeping pills and they help me most of the time but I get the odd bad night (probably why I am typing on here so early in the morning)

Trouble is when you have had lack of sleep it can make you feel so tired and fragile. Take extra good care of yourself and hope your sleep improves soon,

Best Wishes

Sarah x

06-01-10, 07:45
Thanks for your reply Sarah, here i am again after an hours sleep and i woke with extreme anxiety. I have had citalopram before and it worked wonders for me but i keep thinking it wont work this time after things ive read. Its also harder to cope with after no sleep as when i woke yesterday id had a few hours the night before and i seemed a tiny bit better (just anxiety but it wouldnt go into a full attack, it was like my body wouldnt let it) and i was hopeful the tablets were starting to work, now im not so sure...

06-01-10, 08:06

you should really take it first thing in the morning. Insomnia is a common side effect but is usually solved by taking it so long before bedtime. I am on citalopram and if I forget to take it first thing, I am wide awake at bed time.
Also, it is also common for anxiety to increase in the first couple of weeks with this drug. Try persevering as it does settle.


09-01-10, 08:18
Hey Jem

I'm on day 5 today and like you sleeping is a problem. I had 2 nights of waking at 4:30 and not being able to get back to sleep and then getting in to a really anxious state and then last night I didn't sleep at all and now I'm very anxious again. I'm no stranger to anxiety but this is really something.

My GP gave me some diazepam 2mg to get me through the weekend but when I took 1 it did nothing so I've just take 2 and am hoping for the best. I would never have considered taking Diazepam before ( I was on Venlafaxine for 10 years and that worked fine) but I just can't cope with this level of anxiety.

I'm taking a lot of comfort from Psychopoet's survival guide and diary thogh and assuming this is just a short term thing we need to work through and will subside. Having said that I was put straight on 20mg and I've decided (after reading posts on here) to cut that to 10mg today.

Anyway I can't offer you any reassurance but as a fellow sufferer in much the same place I can offer you support and someone to rant to as we go through this!:)

All good things

09-01-10, 13:40
Thanks Trevor, your message means alot! Well i'm now on day 9 and if its any help to you the anxiety is starting to become more manageable so i hope that gives you something to look forward to! Still not sleeping, but i took a sleeping tablet last night and it actually worked... you dont realise how much harder things are with no sleep till that happens, but its reasuring to know that its just a side effect and will ease of as the tablets start to work, and if we need some help in the mean time then so be it, we need to do what we can to help ourselves. I'm also on 20mg but just decided to ride it out and all the other side effects like sickness are starting to fade now.

Feel free to rant or pm me as its nice to have support from someone who understands. Dont worry about the diazepam if that what you need till the tablets kick in as they will start to soon.

Wishing you good sleep tonight.

09-01-10, 20:13
Folks - can't speak highly enough of investing in relaxation CD's. Check out some by a fella called Glenn Harrold, available on Amazon. I've got a relaxation one, and a one for helping me to get to sleep at night. Very beneficial and good self-help tools to have to aid the recovery process. :)

10-01-10, 14:02
Thanks Logan Five, I'll have a look and invest in one i think.

10-01-10, 16:28
Hi Jem

I am on day 14 of citroplam and I had the same problems as you not able to sleep, but as from two nights ago I started sleeping much better again, the side effects have also decreased as I feel much better in myself, today I can only describe myself as feeling normal and it has been so long since I felt like than so I guess the tablets must be working. I managed to go to Tesco's and walk round without feeling major panick, something I have not managed to do for ages.

Megan x

10-01-10, 17:47
hi. i thought i might join in here. i on day 2 of 10mg and taking them first thing in the morning but im finding the sickness feeling horrible. im starving but as soon as food hits my lips the sickness gets worse. hoping this will fade soon cause im feeling pretty weak!! xx

10-01-10, 19:49
Hi, as other members have said, sleeplessness is a very common side effect in the early days. I went up to 40mg 2 weeks ago and I find it harder to fall asleep. This side effect should pass in time, just like the rest, so keep going, you're not far away from adapting to the med :)

10-01-10, 19:58
Hi Jem21, Yes the not sleeping thing is the worst isnt it, i tried alsorts apart from the medication i was on, Citropram. I tried going to bed early hours of the morning, lots of exercise in the daytime. I found i was still up every two hours, i would lay awake for about half an hour and then fall back to sleep and that would be all through the night. I could have carried the shopping in the bags under my eyes. I suppose sooner or later we have to go to sleep though, that's how i look at it now. I try and empty my mind at night, that helps a little,
Best Regards Wayne.

11-01-10, 02:15
Oh dear Jem, I know how you feel. I've been having terrible sleeping patterns: going to bed at weird hours, waking up after a couple of hours, falling asleep again, waking up late......

I'm also on a low dose SSRI AD and I know it's partly caused by that - although I've been on it for months now and it should have settled.

I've noticed that I'm also getting into the habit of sleeping in bad positions. I've been told by my osteopath that sleeping on your back is the best position, but I can't sleep like that unfortunately ... check it out on the net though.

Hope you're feeling a bit better anyway and you adjust to the med soon.

PS. Be careful with the Zzzz drug use - they too can cause problems later.....

11-01-10, 12:31
Well I only woke once in the night last night, so looks like its showing signs of improvement... and am now on day 11 i think. It's all about waiting for them to work... which is the hardest thing for us anxiety sufferers i know, but hang in there and we get there in the end!!! I hope you are all well and things are improving for you all also x

11-01-10, 21:29
Hi Jem

Well day 15 for me, I am still feeling better today, went back to work and coped really well no major panicks just a underlying anxiety but that could be because it was being back at work.

Main side effect for me now seems to be the clenching jaw thing, which I think is one of the side effects, but that is more annoying that worrying. I occasionaly still feel a bit sick, seems to be worse if I haven't eaten, but all this I can live with as I do feel a bit better than I did.

Sleep pattern ok again last night wakened up early and couldn't get back to sleep but slept ok until that point.:)

11-01-10, 23:16
day 7 and i've started eating again but my jaw and the shaking has become unbareable. i was sat in college to day and i was nearly sick, does any one find it hard to9 keep warm?

12-01-10, 10:48
Hi all... Well done on going back to work Megan thats fantastic, I would imagine it's completly normal to feel a bit of anxiety on going back, i go back tomorrow and im feeling a bit the same.

Snakie, I did struggle to keep warm for a bit, i found myself walking round the house fully dressed with my dressing gown on top... the shaking will strat to subside your still early days into the med.

Ok it's day 12 for me and last night i went to bed with no sleeping tablet and only woke up once due to my son wanting a drink, i managed to go straight back to sleep till this morning... I've also had a bit of a lightbulb moment. I got my test results yesterday and everything was all clear... My whole family were in shock that I didnt feel imediate relief... but hang on why would i??? I've spent the last 3 weeks in an extreme state of anxiety with hardly any food or sleep, I am not suddenly going to become me again instantly or over night in fact! I've realised my brain and body have thought of nothing else the last few weeks, it's not suddenly going to dissapear. You break your leg it takes time to heal, as do we. I actually think I should still be panicking about it but I think thats normal, as it takes time for our bodies to calm down or become de-sensitized. My life will not suddenly flip back to normal BUT and here is the important part I now need to let other things start to take over. I laid in bed and watched a film with my son last night which was the first time for ages and yes i did still think about it but not quite as much and tonight it may be a bit less, as long as i keep busy with things normal life will start to take over slowly. So i'm not expecting to be me again right now, or even tomorrow or next week, i'm going to take each day at a time and let it take over gradually as it should.

Sorry for the long waffle on there... I hope that maybe helped some of you, and I hope you are all well. Citalopram is a god send for me but its not a miracle cure give it time to work its magic!!!

Jemma xx

12-01-10, 19:12
Hi Jem

That is great news that your test results are fine, I agree with you though you are not suddenly going to be fixed, it will take a bit of time, it does sound though the meds are doing their stuff as well, I stuggled on so long not wanting to rely on meds and now I wish I had taken them sooner.

2nd day back to work and had a much better day today, anxiety is not on my mind so much all day, as before it was the first thing I thought about when I got up till I went to bed where my last thought would be hope I feel better tomorrow. I am also doing a relaxation CD every night which might be helping as well.

Hope you are ok today


Megan x

12-01-10, 19:39
Hi Megan, I'm ok thanks, I've had quite a good day and kept myself busy and i dont even feel that worried about going back to work tomorrow.

I'm glad today was better for you at work, and just think that if your not thinking about it as much as before at the moment just think how even less that will be in a few weeks... and eventually you wont even hardly think of it at all. I went for years not taking meds but then i though you take a tablet for a headache so whats the difference? I'm so glad I did now.

Hope you have another good day tomorrow, let me know how it goes.

Jemma x

13-01-10, 01:59
I've just been started on citalopram not for the anxiety but for cluster headaches (the suspected cause of my anxiety). I've been taking them 1st thing in the morning and have had difficulty getting to sleep at night. I go to bed at my normal time and am feeling really tired but it takes me over an hour to dose off. Sleep has been disturbed also, I've not had a full nights sleep since starting citalopram. I am hoping that once my body gets used to it this will settle down.

I also feel quite shaky, almost hyperactive for a couple of hours after taking. I use this as an opportunity to get jobs done around home and this takes my mind off feeling shaky.

Also, like clairebear I have been feeling quite nauseous and find drinking heaps of water helps.

I'm going to perservere with the citalopram as hopefully it will work in preventing cluster headaches and it also seems to be lifting me out of the depressive state I was in a few days ago.

Take care

13-01-10, 19:42
Hi Ange... feeling shaky is quite normal I think, I'm almost 2 weeks in and that has subsided for me, as have the sleeping problems. I slept right the way last night and woke 10 minutes before the alarm this morning. I think they are starting to go a bit the other way for me now though lol, i took my med at half 9 this morning and by 11 i felt a bit spaced out and couldnt concentrate on my work, and I kept yawning, the day carried on like that on and off till about half 5. I might start moving mine to nightime if it carries on like this but it's still early days so i'll see how I go... I still have the sick feeling when I yawn but i think that is starting to ease a bit. They do take wuite a while to get into your system, but i feel loads better than i did so i'll keep on with it.

Jemma x

13-01-10, 19:50
Was on steraline could not get on with it went on to dizapan to help and now starting to feel bit better

13-01-10, 20:18
Hi All

I am the same Jem, going the other way with the sleeping, I am so tired and yawing all day and slept really well last night wakened up at 4.30am in a bit of a panick for some reason, felt really shaky but managed to go back to sleep. Have felt more anxious today I must admit, but I think at the moment I am getting good days and some shaky days, but thats only to be expected but no where near as bad asI was.

Work was ok today though coping fine

Hope all went well for you at work today Jem.


Megan x

13-01-10, 20:34

I have been reading your posts about going back to work. Did you have time off sick with your anxiety before? I have been off for 4 weeks and have been taking 20mg citalopram but doesn't seem to be working it's magic. I am supposed to be going back to work on Monday.

13-01-10, 20:59
Hi sam0603... yes I had 2 weeks off work before going back today... I am also on 20mg. How long have to been on them? Maybe it might be worth seeing your doctor about upping the dose to 30 or 40 if you have been on them a while and arnt feeling the benefit, although they do say they can take a good 4-6 weeks to get into your system. I think they work at different rates for different people as we all seem to get different side effects aswell.

I'm pleased your coping well Megan... That's just to be expected shaky days, i reckon it will be up and down for a while till we fully settle in, although i must admit tonight i feel the best i've felt for a long time, but i'll try and take the downs when and if they come and not worry about the in between. Hope tomorrow is good for you.

Jemma x

13-01-10, 21:24

I have been on them for 4/5 weeks for anxiety. I keep thinking that one day I will just feel up to going to work but nope.. nothing yet! I feel so bad for taking the time off work too - it's just not like me really.

Sam x

14-01-10, 19:41
Hi Jem - Glad things are going well for you, I had a good day today as well, it now seems to be certain situations that make it worse for me, I was at the vets with my dog tonight and I am not particular good with waiting rooms, but I coped ok, just read a magaizine while I was waiting.

Sam - I wasnt off sick but was off for three weeks with Xmas holidays and the snow, I went to the docs today for my repeat prescription and she says it takes 6 weeks to get the full effect so I will just get better yet :D so stick with it it will get better

Love Megan

15-01-10, 07:41
HI Megan... So pleased you had another good day! Well done with the waiting room, you did the right thing by reading a mag to keep busy. I keep think i'm not going to be good in a situation but then i cope ok. And it's good what your doctor said and nice to know that we still have more to come. I'm looking forward to that lol.

Sam, I didnt feel like i really wanted to go back to work but felt it might help me progress by going back to work and keeping busy while waiting for the meds to work. There are alot of things that i dont really feel like or want to do at the moment but i do them anyway and try not to focus to much on how i feel. I dont think you'll just wake up one morning and feel instantly better it's a gradual process but you have to help yourself a bit aswell although it's hard. Are you still socializing during the day and keeping busy? And remember your still only early days 5-6 weeks isnt that long.

Jemma x

15-01-10, 10:43
Hi i am day 5 into citalopram and find i am not sleeping at all, i've been taking it at about 4pm. My doctor prscribed some sleeping tablets yesterday to get me through but although i nodded of quite quickly last night i was still awake every 2 hours and tonight i cant sleep at all, even before i went on the meds i was sleeping some. Am i better taking my tablet at another time or will this pass?

HI Jem,
I completely feel for you. I've been taking citalopram on and off for about two and a galf years and I too, am on day five of yet another "on" cycle. Best thing you can do is ride it out. Don't take sleeping tablets are they are addicticve and can make ytou feel drowsy. Drink camomile tea, read a book, watcxh TV. Just try not to focus on the fact you can't sleep :shades:

15-01-10, 19:10
Hi freespiritedliss... well i'm on day 15 now and am sleeping perfectly again so i'm glad i stuck with it, i only took the sleeping tablets for a couple of days, but that's all gone now.

How was work today Megan? I hope you are still feeling well... I had the best day today, i've felt pretty much back to my normal self and am even going out with some friends tonight for tea... Good bless citalopram lol.

I hope you are also well Sam and that the tablets are starting to work!!!

Jemma x

15-01-10, 19:57
Hi Jemma

Yes I had another good day, went to see the film Avatar it was really good I would recommend it, normally I would try to sit at the end of the aisle so I can escape easily, but this time I was right in the middle and got so into the film that really didn't notice it was 2 and a half hours long. Yes you are right thank heavens for citroplam best decision I made was to take them.:D

Hope you had a good day too and enjoyed your tea out with your friends.


Megan x

17-01-10, 18:04

I got my medication upped to 40mg when I went back to the doctors. Am not feeling too great to be honest but not sure if it's the side effects but feeling dizzy, shaky, not sleeping thru and had a few more anxiety attacks. I have tried to still do bits in the last couple of days like cooking and managed to go to my friends baby shower for a couple of hours. Didn't think I would be able to go at all but forced myself for a while. I haven't seen my friends since NYE when I was a wreck. I got signed off for another couple of weeks and my boss and someone from HR are coming to see me on Wednesday. Am really nervous about it but trying to forget about it until Wednesday.

Anyway sorry for moaning and I am glad you are both feeling better! xx

17-01-10, 18:25
Hi Sam, sorry you are still not feeling good, Citroplam takes 6 weeks to fully work so you are probably not having the full effects yet and I am sure once the 40mg kicks in you will start to feel better. Good for you being able to go to the baby shower even just for a couple of hours at least you got out. Dont worry about HR coming to see you, I work in HR myself and the amount of people that go off ill with stress and anxiety you wouldn't believe it will be kept all confidential, so it will just be a routine visit,and stress and anxiety is a recognised illness these days

Hope you feel better soon, stick with it, have you tried some relaxation tapes I find that helps when my anxiety is at its worst.


Megan x

17-01-10, 20:44
Hi guys...

Well done Sam on going back and getting your meds changed to 40mg... i'm sure given time they will start to work, different doses work for didderent people, and as Megan said it will just be routine work coming to see you. Least they are concerned how you are so try and look at this as a good thing, and keep us posted how you're doing. We're always here for you.

Hi Megan, How was the weekend? I enjoyed my night out with friends on Friday it was like old times apart from i didnt drink as i wanted to give the meds chance to fully work before i try that, but i still had a great time. Was wide awake till 4am this morning not able to sleep for some reason, could still be the meds kicking in, but i wasnt panicing or anything i just got up and watched tv till i was tired. I took my son to the rescue centre today to get a dog and we found the cutest little puppy called Olly so hopefully we'll be able to bring him home next week. So not a bad weekend at all i'm pleased to report lol.

Speak soon

Love Jemma x

17-01-10, 20:50

That's reassuring that HR deal with this all the time.. phew! Yeh I have a relaxation tape that I have put on my ipod so I can listen to it wherever I am. Trying to listen to it every night.

What is the advice about drinking on citalopram?

Ah that's lovely about the new puppy!

17-01-10, 21:03
Hi Jemma & Sam

I have had a not bad weekend was a bit anxious yesterday for some reason, dont know why, but just kept going as normal, doing all the normal stuff, tesco, cleaning etc. Feel much better today, funny enough I wakened up at 5am this morning and could have got up I was wide awake but managed to dose off again eventually

Good news about the puppy, I have two dogs a old girl who is 12 and a younger one that is 4, good thing about them is no matter how bad you are feeling they still need walked so encourage you to get out and about.

I think you can drink on citroplam but like you Jemma I haven't tried it, drinking always makes me more anxious the next day anyway so giving it a miss at the moment.

Keep in touch everyone and let us know how you are getting on.

Love Megan x :D

17-01-10, 21:18
Yeh I woke up early today but got up and had a drink and got back in thinking I will lay here for a while. Next thing I knew it was 11.30! I blame my boyfriend for being warm and cosy ha.

That's good that you managed to carry on regardless of feeling anxious. :)

I have had a couple of drinks on them but wouldn't recommend more than a couple of glasses of wine and drinking water at the same time.

Take care and keep in touch xx

17-01-10, 21:36
Hey all,
When i first had anxiety 2 years ago, i was placed on citalapram, but after a year of not sleepin very well, i decided to swap to fluoxitine. I find the nights are the worst, in the day time u can talk to friends etc, but as soon as everyone goes bed, its just you and your thoughts, am i going to sleep, what if i cant sleep, i find watchin something on the tv helps me fall asleep, but then if theres nothing on, i panic then thinkin o god how am i gonna sleep. Hope your feeling better now and able to sleep

21-01-10, 08:14
Hello guys, hope you are doing well...

How's everything going Megan? Well done on managing your anxious day and keeping going, i still get the odd niggle every now and again but nothing I cant handle, I'm back at the doctors today just for a check on how i'm doing, almost finished week 3, and i think they will be quite impressed as im pretty much back to normal.

Keep going Sam, once the new dose kicks in im sure you'll be feeling much better, and i know what you mean about going back to bed, id be there all the time quite happily if i could haha.

Hi Kym, I sometimes watch tv when i cant sleep, or i just lay there and listen to it as it takes over your thoughts and you drift off.

Keep in touch everyone and well done

Jemma x

21-01-10, 22:53
Hi Jemma

Am glad you are feeling back to normal - how have you been going on at work?

I have been on the new dose for a week now and having more bad days than good. I was terrible last weekend but have come thru it - just scared of having a relapse now but just keep taking one day at a time and looking forward instead of back. I have a session for CBT on Monday - have gone private in the end as the waiting list was forever. I hope it helps - I know it's helped quite a few people.

The work meeting went ok - they just wanted to see how I was, etc and discuss my options. My boss looked a bit awkward bless him but the HR woman was lovely. I can do a phased return too if I want to.

Keep in touch
Take care
Sam xx

22-01-10, 07:47
Hi Sam... That's good they were so understanding and a phased return sounds good, so at least thats a worry thats a bit better. CBT is always a good option and i'm sure it will help you. Keep on with the meds they can take a while.

Doctors went fine, he was really impressed that he wants me to go onto 10mg from next week, was a bit unsure as i've only been on them 3 weeks but he assured me that as i responed so quick that i should be fine on 10mg and if i start to slip at all i can go straight back to 20. My doc is so nice and understanding that ive decided to give it a go as he clearly seems to know what hes doing.... so fingers crossed.

Take care and look after yourself.

Speak soon Jemma x

23-01-10, 11:35
Hi All

Well I am doing great now, even feel almost normal, managed to go shopping in town yesterday, something I have not managed for ages without panic, it was great, it is amazing how you forget what it feels like to do normal things again. Have booked a holiday in May and looking forward to it instead of dreading how I will cope.

Its great to feel at the stage as well when you take the tablets in the morning and you actually foget you have taken (if you know what I mean) instead of thinking oh am I going to get side effects.

Hope your doing ok Jem,

I must admit Citroplam was the best decision for me so far so good :D

Keep in touch everyone

Megan xxxx

23-01-10, 18:15
Ah that's great. I am glad you are both feeling alot better and normal.. I can't wait for that feeling ha ha.

I am having more good days than bad at the moment so that's good although I don't feel normal and feel like I am fighting it and trying to push myself. Have done more normal things so am just going to keep pushing on. My friends are going out for lunch and drinks tomorrow and am going to decide whether to go tomorrow. I am a bit scared really. My heaart says what's the worst that can happen but my head says you can't go you aren't right yet. Argghh annoying ha.


24-01-10, 11:45
I think you should go Sam even if you dont feel right.... thats part of getting better, you'll most likely feel so much better for going when you get there, you cant just sit and wait to feel 100% better before you do anything or go anywhere, as getting out and doing normal things even when you dont feel quite right is part of getting better. I've found that seems to be the path to getting your self back. It's great your having more good days than bad thats a step in the right direction.

Hey Megan, how's things going? I hope you're still feeling good!

I went out last night with some friends and had a couple of drinks, i only had 3 or 4 as i thought id better take it steady to see how i react, but i woke up this morning still feeling good so i'm really happy about that. Also looking forward to going down to 10mg next week. God these meds are amazing lol.

Take care all speak soon.

jemma x

24-01-10, 14:16
Yeh you are right it's just a bit scary. I might just go half way and go for a drink and stay as long as I can. My friend is taking her little kids with her so can distract myself with them as I am the favourite "auntie" ha.

That's good that you had a few and you still feel great. I am ok if I have 1 or 2 and lots of water. I don't want to have too many and feel hungover and anxious at the same time ha. I started to get hangovers on my 30th birthday! ha ha.

I am really happy for you both that you are both feeling good.

Take care xx

24-01-10, 14:27
Hi Jem,
I was the same, so then the dr put me on mirtazipine, and i'm on sleeping pills too, so now i'm starting to get 5 or 6 hours sleep a night, it really helps. Going without sleep just totally destroys you fast, and the way you feel,
Regards Wayne.

24-01-10, 21:46

I went and stayed for meal and a few hours!! yippeee. I felt nervous for the first 15-20 mins but after that felt perfectly normal once I wasn't concentrating on how I feel.


24-01-10, 22:55
Yayyyyyyyyy well done Sam i'm so pleased you went. You need to remember next time you dont feel right about going somewhere how much better you feel for doing it. I'm so happy for you.

Hi Wayne, i've been on them 3 1/2 weeks now and i only took 3 or 4 sleeping tablets while waiting for them to work but everything is fine now and im back to sleeping 7-8 hours a night. Your right sleep does makes things so much harder. I hope things keep going well for you.

Jemma x

25-01-10, 13:30
Yes it's given me a bit more confidence. I have invited the girls to come round here for pizza and a glass of wine on Friday too. Have my first session of CBT today. Will let you know how it goes!


25-01-10, 20:38
Hey well done Sam, its a good start, I think we do sometimes have to push ourselves to do things even if we dont want to.

Hope everyone has had a good weekend


Megan xx

27-01-10, 12:36

How did the CBT go?
Wondered as I might ask for some - but could use your feedback?


27-01-10, 13:16

It was good really felt quite happy and relaxed when I came out although it will be hard to tell if it's doing any good until after a few sessions. Would defo recommend trying though. I didn't think counselling would be for me really as I needed some help in how to get better etc and the reassurance that I wasn't actually going mad!

Feel free to ask anymore questions. I have another session on Monday.


27-01-10, 19:06
Hi all...

Glad the CBT was good Sam, and your right I think it will be a few sessions before you start to notice an improvement, and that's great you're having the girls round on Friday, I hope you have a great night.

Hi Megan, Glad everything is going great with you, I'm feeling the same. Lucky you on the holiday and it's fab that you are looking forward to it!!!

How are you doing Wayne? Is your sleep improving yet?

I've had a really good week even though i've got a cold, i feel like my old self again and im not even worried about dropping to 10mg on Saturday...

Keep in touch, speak soon.

Jemma xx

01-02-10, 20:38
Hi All

How are you all getting on?

Jemma - did you drop down to 10mg and how did it go?

I am still doing ok, just the jaw clenching thing thats really annoying and I have the most weird dreams sometimes they are quite funny though :)

Megan xxxx

02-02-10, 08:00
Hey Megan, glad you're still doing ok, Yes I did drop down to 10mg on Saturday and up to now I haven't noticed anything different which is great. It seems to take me a while to wake up in the mornings but i can live with that! So all is still good.

Speak soon take care.

Jemma xx

05-04-10, 21:42

Not been on for yonks - how is everyone doing?

Sam xx