View Full Version : Jaw and neck pain

06-01-10, 05:28
Just wondering if anyone can relate....I woke up 2 days ago with throbbing pain in the bottom of my left jaw, the pain hasn't been as bad since but is still there, and it comes and goes, but now its in my neck almost under my ear...also have had a sore throat, and right where my jaw hurts there is a lump that feels like a lymph node or gland, but sometimes i can feel it,sometimes i can't, I am wondering if tmj feels like this and if it can cause your face to feel swollen near jawline and feel like its the lymph nodes? went to dr and they gave me a 5 day antibiotic saying it was from postnasal drip but i don't think thats what it is since i have had this feeling before, just not as painful...anyone?

06-01-10, 12:42
Yes! I definitely have had pains where you describe from lymph nodes when I have had a sore throat. Oh, the pain!

I hope the ABs do their job and you feel better soon. If you are worried, just keep an eye on it. Try not to proke and prod the area too much, because if the node is swollen it won't go down as fast if you are touching it all the time (trust me, I am talking from experience lol)