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06-01-10, 16:01
Ive been well for days and hardly getting any ectopics then yesterday I started getting loads!. I have had a stomach ache and now they are happening continually. am really frightened. is this ok?

06-01-10, 19:23
please Im so scared just had a missed heartbeat that felt like a 2 second pause and Im petrified! im so scared. please someone speak to me. Im frightened

Going home
06-01-10, 19:28
Hi there

Don't be scared, its a horrible feeling but you're going to be ok. Tell me if there's often a connection between your stomach and your heart..

06-01-10, 19:33
I have got a lot of gas and a tummy ache and laid down quite relaxed and my heart paused for a few seconds and I jumped up. Im really scared now! x

Going home
06-01-10, 19:44
This is normal, even for people who don't have anxiety problems. Ive been getting these missed beats off and on for years and mostly i get them because i'm an anxious person, but also alot of the time i get them when I eat something that makes me feel bloated. There is definately an association between the stomach and the heart, certain things you eat or drink can irritate the heart, or at least irritate the Vagus nerve which connects the stomach and the heart. I can explain it more if you want. But please believe you're not in any danger ok?

GH xx

06-01-10, 19:53
I had just got used to the missedbeats but every now and then I get so many in a row and I freak out and get scared, but it has really helped you explaining, I just hope they ease off a bit. thanks for your help. I dont know what Id do without the support of kind people on here. x

06-01-10, 20:54
Going home: I definitely agree with the association with stomach and heart, without a doubt. It's happened to me so many times and I've googled it and there's definitely a connection for many people, although the medical profession are still sceptical about the connection. Ames: honestly, please don't let them scare you. They can do you no harm. I know they feel scarey but the more you panic about them the worse they get. I'm the same, after getting a reading of 6000 on a monitor the other week I felt they had disappeared over the last 5/6 days. They came back last night with a vengeance!! They've not stopped since. We just need to learn to live with them for the time being.

06-01-10, 22:42
Thanks Myra, it does seem to happen more if I've eaten ect. I do try not to worry and thought I was getting there then a really horrible, felt like I missed 3 beats or my heart paused for seconds. So fed up. Wish I never felt them in the first place. X

Going home
06-01-10, 23:00
Ames, everybody gets them its just that some people don't feel them like we do...bummer I know! Even doctors and cardiologists get them. Anything to do with the heart is scary but our hearts are very strong and even when you feel it skipping more than a few together your heart will not stop. Just take a deep breath..move around if you want to, walk around the room if you feel this will help you cope when its happening, have a cold drink, do what you feel the need to do until it passes. I know its the hardest thing in the world to sit or lie still when its happening!

GH xx

08-01-10, 18:39
I'm feeling bad again! Is it normal to have only a couple of ectopics one day and 100s the next? Can hormones play a part? Thank you guys x

11-01-10, 12:39
Hi Ames
Hormones most certainly play a part. Being female our hormones go up and down all the time and considering they control our bodies they obviously can effect our anxiety levels, hence causing more symptoms! I like you, have really good days and then a night like last night left me in an awful state having eptopics one after the other! It is so hard to remember that you are safe when you are so terrifyed experiencing these awful sensations! I am almost over my panic and it really set me back having this!
What helps me is getting up and having a shower or moving about. It helps to use up the excess energy the adrenaline has poured out. After all it is the flight or fight response and our body is telling us to RUN! Which is why you release so much. So get up and run if you have to! I also find it helpful to read my Claire Weekes book (or anything on self help you may have) or print off a few helpful pages from this site and keep them at hand so you can reassure yourself when you are at maximum level! You are not alone. If it settles on distraction or after these exercises then you know it is just panic my lovely :)

11-01-10, 15:37
:)I was getting over panic attacks which i NEVER thought I would be then I start getting these blasted ectopics and the panic sprung from them. I think its a definate link my missed beats are far worse round my period been keeping a diary. thanks forn taking the time to reply. I really find it helpful and it is going in that maybe they might not be dangerous to me. I just have to keep learning to ignore it but when its bad its sooooo hard!!! hope you have a good night tonight. take care xxx