View Full Version : Panic attacks on/off six weeks in

06-01-10, 17:12
Was given another two months of cit to see how I go on 20mg still as told her feeling better but having ups and downs and I think nervous due to returning to my normal routine soon! I can up to 30mg if I feel I am getting worse but hopefully I won't need too. What should a panic attack feel like on cit? I feel edgy but the panic is short and then gone sometimes I feel sweaty too. Should cit stop this altogether? Just unsure what I should expect and maybe knowing this would help me a little. I have diazepam too so I can use this as and when but was hoping not to use these and cit only. Hope you guys can give me advice however small!

06-01-10, 17:54
hi, labamba,
I have also been on cit for the same lenghth of time and keep hoping this anxiety will soon go, apparently you feel worse before you get better which I don't think is fair in our condition but we will work through it!!!!
I have something similar to diazepam and just take half now and again when needs must.
We have to look forward, it will soon be spring, I am here with a very similar situation if you need me.
with love crissyxxxxxx

06-01-10, 22:55
Cit has kind of turned my panic attacks into anxiety attacks, if you know what i mean, where i feel really anixious but my heart rate doesnt go through the roof and full blown panic never takes over, just feel on the brink of having a panic attack but it never actually comes.
Think starting to go back to a normal routine could deffinatly make you feel more panicky tho, but i found that once i was back into a normal-ish routine i felt a lot better and that i felt more anxious when i wasnt in a routine over the xmas holidays.
