View Full Version : Newbie here~

06-01-10, 17:46
Hey, I'm Mercie. (Don't feel comfortable sharing my real name yet..)

I'm 19 and I live in the UK (although I guess that isn't really a big surprise).

I have been diagnosed with Social Anxiety Disorder but the treatment didn't work, which has lead me to believe it may have 'grown' and bubbled over into other areas of my life - I am almost always anxious. =/

I was diagnosed when I was 16, and had a pretty good year after that (I thought the treatment had worked and all that), but things have gradually declined and it feels like I'm back where I started.

So, I'm here to meet new friends, get some advice from like-minded people and possibly to help others. I intend to try, at the very least.

Thank you for having me. =)

06-01-10, 17:48
Hi Mercie

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

06-01-10, 18:45
Hi and :welcome:to NMP Mercie .Hope you find lotsof help and support here !luv Sue XXX

margaret jones
06-01-10, 18:48
Mercie Hi you will find lots of advice and help this is a great site it has helped me loads Just to realize that you are not alone is a help

Take Care Margaret:)

06-01-10, 19:25
Welcome :bighug1:, im new here too but dont worry they all seem really nice on here :D

06-01-10, 19:44
Hi Mercie , welcome to the site !
Munkey x

06-01-10, 19:46
Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone. ^__^