View Full Version : citalopram a good thing?

06-01-10, 18:48
i was just wondering if anyone has any good experiences with citalopram?
by that i mean if anyone started this without any horrendous side effects, im due to start 20 mg tabs tommorrow, and i been looking at the previous threads on this, but everyone seems to have had really bad side effects at first, fair enough they pass but im really worried about the initial few weeks, im going to have to take them, cause i really would like to be able to get off the ceiling, but really dont think i can handle feeling any worse. the doctor has given me some diazepam, which usually knock me out, and im on beta blockers anyway, but will this help? any happy storys would be hugely appreciated. (you can lie to me if you have to :D only joking!)

06-01-10, 19:22
i have only been on citalopram for a few weeks, i haven't really suffered many side effects, apart from a really dry mouth, different people react differently to medication though. hope they work for you :D !

06-01-10, 19:30

I was on citalopram a few years ago, and had no side effects.

Hope that's reassuring.


eternally optimistic
06-01-10, 19:34

I was on citalopram several years ago for a year and it did me the world of good.

I wouldnt be afraid to use it again.

Good luck and try not to fret.

06-01-10, 19:37
thank you, think i just really needed to hear that not everyone gets the full list of horrible symptoms! now ive said that ill get every single one!!! ha ha:D

07-01-10, 17:50

In my own experience with Citalopram 20mg per night, i didn't really experience any bad side effects apart from nausea from morning till afternoon and palpitations which considering was the reason why i actually started to take Citalopram i wasn't pleased about.

You really have to weigh up the pro's and con's of this medicine, in my case i felt as though i needed to take it and after the first 2 weeks everything was fine and i actually began to feel not calm, but human and not anxious at all.

If you are concerned about this speak to your doctor for advice

07-01-10, 21:07
I have been on Cit for 2 weeks and I have a very dry mouth and I have trouble sleeping at night. I try and take it in the morning when I wake up, does anyone maybe suggest that I try and take it before bed instead, will that help me sleep better? I also feel sick and heave a number of times during the day but nothing ever comes out.

07-01-10, 21:28
I have just taken my first 10mg tablet tonight after weeks of debating it - im petrified of taking meds and have only ever stuck to taking any for a few days. I feel I must now realy try to make an effort to take them as I'm desperate to feel better. My doctor suggested I take them at night to avoid the anxiety of having to take it first thing in the morning - I know I would worry about "feeling strange" for the rest of the day! I'm sorry I cant offer you any advice yet as I am in the same boat but please dont hesitate to call on me if you need to, it will be good to share my experience also. Its been a couple of hours and as yet I feel ok so fingers crossed.xx

07-01-10, 21:43
thank you people! GAD, good luck with your tabs, i chickened out today, but im going to start tommorrow morning! if u want to chat, you can pm me if you want, or post how your getting on, on here! :)
thanks again to everyone who answered this!

07-01-10, 21:53
I was on Citalopram 20 mgs for two and half years, and they were really helpful. I did not have any particular side effects, and these were certainly outweighed by the benefits. Was worried about coming off, but again did it gradually over a couple of months & did not have any problems. Good luck with yours, and really hope they work for you as they did for me:)

07-01-10, 22:08
i'm into my 5th week and am starting to feel sooo much better. I am going to go back to work on tuesday (phased return) after being off for 6 weeks - didn't think i'd manage back this soon - but the tablets have helped. (fingers crossed they will continue to help)

I was really scared to start the tablets after reading all the bad side effects - have a read at psychopoet's citalopram survival guide on here - i would not have taken them if it hadn't been for this ( he has obviously put a lot of time and effort into the research and offers his own experience - it's great)
My first week I had a really sore head and felt dizzy - but it wore off and it's nothing thats unbearable - also my panics were still coming for the first 1 -3 weeks - but not as often and i think they were about the same as i had previous to starting the tablets.

I hope you get the courage to try them and I hope that they improve your anxiety/panics as much as they have with me - good luck

08-01-10, 18:41
er.... have had my first tab, feel bad but not as bad as i thought i would, dizzy, slightly stoned, bit anxious. hope it continues at this level, cause this i can live with.
thank you for all your posts people, they giving me hope!! louise xx

08-01-10, 18:56

I had all the side effects but thats not to say that everyone does... but can I ask what are beta blockers and what are they used for... only I have realised that my symptoms are not going away... I live by the citalopram and wondered if I'm on the right meds?

08-01-10, 19:11
beta blockers slow your heart rate, they are used for people with high blood pressure, heart disorders, anxiety and migraines - I find that if i am having a bad day with palpitations etc - if i take one it slows me down a bit and takes away the thumping heart - which i think in turn stops a full blown panic attack coming on.

08-01-10, 19:50
Thanks AJS

10-01-10, 19:37
am on day 3 of cit. gotta say im not liking this, my hearts racing constantly, ifeel dizzy, tight throat, generally crappy. no longer feel stoned, im kind of missing it to be honest! been reading the posts by everybody else, which is makn me feel a little better, but im dreading having to take another tab. oh well, nothing in lifes ever easy is it? guess im just going to have to put up with it, and hope for the best.

11-01-10, 12:34
Keep going with it Loli it does gets easier as they tablets start get into your system the side effects will gradually wear of. You're doing really well.

11-01-10, 13:14
Hi, i have been on Citalopram for nearly 6 years now and they have helped alot, definately took the edge off things.They do take a couple of weeks to start working but stick with it,they do work.

11-01-10, 13:21
massive well done for even taking the tab!!!

im on 5mg and have been constant for 4 years. doc has recently suggested i up it to 10mg due to the horrid anxiety but am just too scared to as am scared of the side effects.

good luck and let us know how you get on xx

11-01-10, 18:57
Hey Loli
Glad you have stuck it the 3 days - I found that the horrible side effects wore off after the first 5 - 7 days - so you've not got long now till you start to feel a bit better - it will all be worth it in the end!
Keeping my fingers crossed for you!!

11-01-10, 20:14
thanks everyone, had my 4th tab today, had to break into the diazapam to take the edge off, woke up at 6 this morning convinced someone had broken in downstairs, trying to lie down and sleep, bt im full of aches and pains. i havr got the complete munchies though, im on my 2nd tube of pringles!! the most addictive crisp known to man methinks, didnt help i got a dear john letter from the ex boyfriend this morning, for some reason 9 months down the line he felt now was a good time. men.
still cant get my heart to calm down, its beating crazy fast every time i get up, but settles back down really quickly when i sit down. dread to think what it would be like without the propanalol. and the diazapam. gotta say im loving the diazapam. anyways, im rambling, thank you to everyone who has answered this thread!!

11-01-10, 21:11
i was just wondering if anyone has any good experiences with citalopram?
by that i mean if anyone started this without any horrendous side effects, im due to start 20 mg tabs tommorrow, and i been looking at the previous threads on this, but everyone seems to have had really bad side effects at first, fair enough they pass but im really worried about the initial few weeks, im going to have to take them, cause i really would like to be able to get off the ceiling, but really dont think i can handle feeling any worse. the doctor has given me some diazepam, which usually knock me out, and im on beta blockers anyway, but will this help? any happy storys would be hugely appreciated. (you can lie to me if you have to :D only joking!)

I have been on citalopram for best part of two years and it keeps me on an even keel. I started on 20mm which knocked me about a bit with bad 'squits' but now reduced to 10mm with hardly any problems in functioning normally.

The anxiety levels remain controllable and there are no side effects other than itchy skin in the evenings.

You should perhaps try some CBT in conjunction with the meds as I found the combination very helpful.

Best Wishes and Good Luck - its really nothing to worry about.

11-01-10, 21:18
Anybody else suffer itchy skin when taking these tabs or have I got something else??
Maybe its just stress related.

11-01-10, 21:25

The anxiety levels remain controllable and there are no side effects other than itchy skin in the evenings.

You should perhaps try some CBT in conjunction with the meds as I found the combination very helpful.

Best Wishes and Good Luck - its really nothing to worry about.[/QUOTE]

hello. ive asked for a refferal to out community mental health team, and im hoping cbt will be offered. unfortunately there seems to be a bit of a waiting list. im trying to deal with this before it becomes too ingrained, as ive only been like this since before xmas. i was wondering if i should have started at 10mg, but ive started at 20, so ill finish !! really hoping this passes quickly! thank you for your advice xx