View Full Version : feeling so alone

06-01-10, 19:22
my health anxiety is really playing me up, and i am fed of of every day being a battle fighting my thoughts and wondering why i keep feeling this way..
i just done get why i keep getting all these symptoms over the years i have done so much reasearch on health anxiety, but i just dont get it.. feeling dizzy for no reason feeling like i am going mad feeling like i am the only person to feel like this (i know im not) but why do i have to battle everday to stop myself from feeling like this, i want to wake up and not have to think about how i am feeling i just want to feel like me..

am waiting on a ultrasound for gallstones and it has been 4 weeks since i saw the doctor as you can imagine got so many stupid things going through my head driving myself mad i just feel so alone like noone understands i feel confused sad depressed every feeling possible, i lost my dad november last year he died of cancer and i am worrying i may have cancer not just gallstones oh why oh why cant i just be me this just isnt fair

thankyou for reading i just needed to get off my chest probably makes no sense my life dosent seem to make sense right now xx

06-01-10, 19:33

Im sorry to hear u going through this.

I understand losing your dad would make u feel anxious about yr health as my dad has been battling cancer the past 18 months and im always worried i have cancer to

I no exactly what u mean, i would like to wake up and not think how will i feel today etc, and to get rid of the dizzy/spacey feelings etc

You should contact the doctors and tell them its been 4 weeks and can they chase it up. I work in a surgery and i no there is noramlly a wait but u should of had an appt by now.

take care

love mandie x

06-01-10, 19:54
thanks mandie
doctor is chasing things up for me she knows what i am like a constant worrier.
is such a set back for me as i have been sooo good not sure if you have read my other posts but mine mainly dizzy and spaced out it just awful isnt it..

just want it to all go away xx

06-01-10, 20:25
just want it to all go away xx

This is how I feel Hun. I've thought/said this so many times. Every time I think I'm beating it I feel like I'm back to square one :weep: You're not alone. H xxxx

06-01-10, 20:36
Definitely not, I feel all the things you are talking about, constant dizziness, feeling like I am going mad, feeling alone...it's terrifying and I don't think I can cope with anymore.

06-01-10, 21:13
is just awful i know when you have a bad day seems worse, we just have to try and stay strong and battle on, if only life wasnt such a battle xx

06-01-10, 21:15
I wasn't always like this though and don't know why I can't go back to how I was

06-01-10, 21:17
i get this dizziness/spacey feeling quite alot, but seems to come on worse when im thinkin about it. its dreadful isnt it. i was on fluoxine for 5/6years. stopped them myself over 6 months ago, not any better or any worse, should i take them again?

06-01-10, 21:25
I get dizzy a lot, but it does come and go more when I think about it. I have always had poor balance though and tiredness makes you more prone to dizziness.

Ask your doctor. I personally try to take no meds whatsoever, even avoiding paracetamol if possible.

06-01-10, 21:29
me too, i was on fluoxitne for 5/6 years, stopped them myself as didnt feel a major difference. Don't want to depend on medication if i can help it. does anyone suffer from irritabilty aswell? i can be fine 1 min then the slightest thing can put me in a mood.:mad:

06-01-10, 21:30
just repeated myself haven't i, sorry ha ha.

06-01-10, 21:33
That can be linked to stress and depression. I feel like that, snap at the smallest thing or cry at the same.

06-01-10, 21:38
take care H is just horrible we will get there one day xx