View Full Version : Strange mole, please help me not google

06-01-10, 19:31
About a year ago I noticed a larger than normal mole on my left shoulder blade. It was raised with defined edges and felt like I could pick it off. It seems to itch and ache but it is hard to tell if I am just thinking about it too much. I went to my doctor and he said it was not to be worried about since it had these defined edges and it puckered when he pressed on the edges. Anyway, about a month ago the mole fell off and left a small hole in its place. It bled a little bit and seems to growing a new mole where the old one was. As background, I have suffered from HA for years, I had a full set of blood tests that came back fine 2 months ago, I had a normal EKG and colonoscopy at that time too. I am very worried about this mole and I am trying really hard not to google. Does anyone have any experience with this? Please talk me down!!!

06-01-10, 20:41
I'd let the doctor check it out again because you're only going to keep worrying about it. It sounds as though it was nothing to worry about the last time so that's reassuring. But they say any change in moles should be checked so it'll put your mind at rest letting the doctor see it. I'm sure it'll be nothing.

06-01-10, 20:55
:)Hi, I have had several of the type of moles you are talking about and they were all ok,:)I had two on my neck that were itchy and sore,the results came back ok.I know when we suffer from anxiety our heads run amuck with all different thoughts.I thought mine were all cancer living in Australia,where we spend most of our lives out in the sun I thought it was melanoma's.Try not to pick or scratch them that will make them bleed,I know easier said than done Ha!If you have had them checked out don't worry put some cream on them,that will keep them from getting scaly If you are really worried ask your doctor to remove it.You take care of yourself.Ronny:)

07-01-10, 02:00
Thanks to everyone for the responses. I will try to get past this with your help