View Full Version : Numb-I want to hide- I just want to be seem as me

26-11-05, 22:54
I'm so sick of this same thing every day...... day in day out and the one day i meant to have as my day(b'day) or at least that's my beleaive thta b'day as day's to spoil and pay lot;s of attention to a person. The one day thats meant to be mine and people are meant to want to talk to me and thay cant even talk to me me or look at me much. Thay rock up for cake and to sing me happuy b;day well thats what i thought anyway and then i have to ask them and basicly beg them to sing happy b'day to me. The whole night my mum and sister pick on almost everything that I'm proud off about my self. That talk about while i was sitting next to them and ignore everything i tryed to talk about. Thay laugh about me and everything i do as mother for kids. thay talked about how thay talk about me to there work mate's ect. I dont know why thay do but I'm so sick of it no matter what I try to say thay find away to bring it back on me and make a joke about me.

As for the other people my brother cant even show up at all proberly because thay pick on him as well now. Thay have been picking ob me longer and it seem as soon as you say no more thay start picking worse at you. I just happen to never what to be control by my sister or mum so i have been dealing with this crap since I was a kid.

My partner side of the family just came round and i swear thay think that the present is all i care about when what i want more than anything is to feel speacial for at least one day a year feel compleatly visable for one day a year at least. When the b;day person disapear's shou;d you want to know why would you want to know why i know that when I see a person for ther b'day i dont like to make them feel ignored at all if i see them all alone i will go and talk to them if thay look sad i will ry to chear them up if thay walk away i will try to get them come back and have some fun if thay are not up for fun i will talk to them private. Why can no one eva do this for me. Why do I alway feel so invisable around family and friend's. I hate it i feel more visable alone that I do in a room full of family and friend's. If dare to ask why or say anything that i'm seen to selfish or rude or something like i'm disrepecting there effort to be there or the bye the pressent when the truth is that would happy with a simple hug and converstaion(crying now) I HATE IT SO MUCH. Peopel say I'm hard to please but it that thay try to hard to please me like what i want is so hard and most expensive thing eva. When I have to ask for what i want the whole point is lost after that cause it no longer some thing thay did and it becomes something i had to ask for and then that whole NICE feeling is gone. I shouldn't have to ask for attention I shouldn't have to sit in room waiting to see if some wiil notice me i shouldn't have to want to be like I shouldn't have to want to feel love I SHOULDN'T I SHOULDN'T. It should be something people want to give it should be something someone wants to try to give me it should be natural and come easy and be always felt and be there but it's not I WANT TO SCREAM AT WORLD I WANT TO SCREAM SO LOUD THAT LOOSE MY VOICE AND THE WHOLE WORLD HEAR ME CRY"WHAT ABOUT ME DONT I DESERVE WHAT I SEE OTHER GETTING FOR LESS EFFORT"




27-11-05, 01:39
I had to take a sedative...................WHY.................... becuase not one person bothered to even write ***HUGS*** to me.....................why di thay set me off................. because it renforce my thought that no one cared about me..............why is that a problem i dont know it just is..........dose that make me an attention seeker................NO..................WHY because I deserver to have some sort of attention and I'll take negative but i deserve postive attention.

i thought I would just message you let you know I got threw my issues(what ever it was) i would have prefured not use med's to do it but oh well. It dose not take much to make me feel needed or wanted and wish people would just try to make me feel wanted and needed. Just one massages would have made a difference i even tryed to talk to people in chat room but got ignored in there as well.

That's my life and I know right now i sound like "POOR ME" "I have had such a bad life feel sorry for me" I dont want sorry i want to be me i to be seen I want to feel real I want to feel needed and most of all i want to feel WANTED. I'm not some person that just GOT anxiety over night but that dose not mean i dont can handle it. I'm not scared of my symptom's I barly even notice them now but that dose not mean I enjoy going threw my isses's on my own. I really thought I could at least get some sort of meassage of some sort

after seeing 5 people see my post and not one message i my anxiety kicked in big time and I ended up rocking and pulling my own hair (not your fault I know). I turned my computer off out of fear of saying horable thing's or smashing my computer or something and i styarted crying and couldn't move cause my place of last resort failed me(not your fault either). felling better now but I just wanted to reinforce a post i read a fue weeks ago about people messageing just even a small note in stead of looking and leaving. that made me feel like I may as well have been stading in the middle of the street screaming "what about me' with a car's cominmg towards me and no everyone standing around to watch me get killed or hurt ect. That may sound very dramatic but I was trying to make a point thats all.

27-11-05, 08:20
I'm so sorry to hear that =(
I hope you find some way to escape your troubles and get help. *hugs* You don't deserve the harassment your family's putting you through.

try and stay strong <3

We Don't Have To Live In Fear No More

27-11-05, 08:26

I don't think it is fair of you to say that you had to take a sedative because 5 people read your post and no one replied.

The people that read your post may all have been guests, unregistered users, who are not able to post here.

Alternatively, the people who read your post may not have known what to say in reply and may not be the type that are into "virtual hugs". I know I for one am not.

In addition, I was in the chat room tonight when you were there and people WERE chatting to you, so I would have to disagree with you there.

Anyway, back to your original post. Could it be that you are perceiving peoples behaviour towards you in the wrong way? Lots of non sufferers don't know how to react to a sufferer. It is hard for them. They end up saying the wrong thing and making the situation worse. They don't want to upset us so end up saying nothing.

You say people say that you are hard to please. Perhaps these are the vibes that you give out, albeit unknowingly. It is hard to behave rationally when feeling so down.


27-11-05, 09:41
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Mum,

I don't think it is fair of you to say that you had to take a sedative because 5 people read your post and no one replied.

The people that read your post may all have been guests, unregistered users, who are not able to post here.

Alternatively, the people who read your post may not have known what to say in reply and may not be the type that are into "virtual hugs". I know I for one am not.

In addition, I was in the chat room tonight when you were there and people WERE chatting to you, so I would have to disagree with you there.

Anyway, back to your original post. Could it be that you are perceiving peoples behaviour towards you in the wrong way? Lots of non sufferers don't know how to react to a sufferer. It is hard for them. They end up saying the wrong thing and making the situation worse. They don't want to upset us so end up saying nothing.

You say people say that you are hard to please. Perhaps these are the vibes that you give out, albeit unknowingly. It is hard to behave rationally when feeling so down.


<div align="right">Originally posted by kate - 27 November 2005 : 08:26:08</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

I have the right to say what I think i was not trying to make people feel bad for me just letting people know about how some one in the state i was in might react. i said it because there a lot of people on this site that dont like to use med's and i might not be the only one that felt like this site is there last resort.

And as for people you say were talking to me in chat i not sure you were there the time i screamed out for help and got one coment and that was it if you were there that them you memory is wrong i was in and out of chat due to the way i was feeling trying to stay calm and that last time after i wrote my first post I was so dessperate for some sort of attention. I may not have had the right to demand attention i dont care the fact is i felt I needed it at the time and not getting at the critcal time of my thinking attack fueled it dose that make it my problem SURE DOSE but just because it my problem dose not mean that out side sourse increased my anxiety issues and fueled my thinking.

You have not lived my life what eva vibes i send out sould not negate my need to be hear and seen by people. It is as much my problem that i needed to be seen and heard loud and clear as it is the poeple who beliaeve that i'm sending out some VIBE that makes people ignore me. That VIBE as you call it make me different not a person not in need on being seen and hear loud and clear. That VIBE as you call it has been my down fall ALL MY LIFE and now one has eva bothered to try to really help in real life (not the people on the site). I have been called a attention seeker all my life so forgive me i seem affended by you message. I dont usealy write what i wrote today in the second message but i was trying to make a point and for once i did not care if people did not like my view as much as I normally do. I tryed to make it clear that i was not playing a guilt trip on people I was just stating my stat of mind that all.

27-11-05, 10:28


27-11-05, 12:22
I can't understand why you would be offended by my post. I have re read it and can find nothing wrong with it.

I will not be answering your posts again.

I also have the right to say what I think, but I wont on this occasion.
