View Full Version : need your help guys....:-(....

06-01-10, 22:19

I am feeling low tonight had a crappy day stomach wise have this H polyi thingy test tomorrow morning i,m scared about that in a way i will be relieved if i have it at least all this has a name and can be treated with meds if not i,ll just plod on like i am which is ill nearly all the time

My back hurts all day sometimes worse than others when my ibs is off my back seems much worse and i think this can,t be ibs this has got to be something more and i panic get chest pains and everything then others times like when i get my hubby or 1 of my daughters to put deep heat or something similar on it relieves it almost immediately so then i think it must be muscular i feel sick i am so fed up :weep:

06-01-10, 22:56
sorry to hear your feeling so bad i dont really have the stomach pains but i have bad chest pains and both my legs ache ive had tests and been told my heart is fine but everyday is a crappy day for me cos i just cant believe all this pain is down to anxiety i feel so bad all the time. Hope you start to feel better soon x

06-01-10, 23:30
hi, im sorry to hear your feeling so bad, but even if it comes back positive, they are really easily treated. ive had this test twice now, and its been negative both times, i was finaly diagnosed with ibs and a sensitive stomach lining, i was totaly sure it would come back positive. i know what you mean about it being something that can be treated and gotten rid of though! i hope everything goes ok for you tommorow, and that you feel better soon x

07-01-10, 10:32
Hi Guys

Thanks for all your kind replies x

I have been for my h ployi test so that is that done the nurse also gave me a flu jab she said i have to wait 10 days for the results so i will worry a bit about that but with you guys helping me i am sure i will be ok

Thanks again people xx

i love tea
07-01-10, 11:09
Hi ScaredCaz,
I'm sorry you feel so rough at the moment. I just wanted to let you know that I too get a lot of backache and I have IBS. Sometimes the back pain is so bad that I have to go to the osteopath to get 'crunched' back into place! He says that bowel problems and back pain can be very closely related - if your bowel is in spasm, your whole body tenses, especially your lower back. I have also read somewhere that back pain in women with IBS is very common. Just wanted to try and reassure you a bit :flowers: Hope you're feeling a bi better soon.