View Full Version : Ladies...please

06-01-10, 23:59
I am in so much pain and its causing me a little too much anxiety for my liking.

My last period started Christmas day, lasted the usual 4 - 6 days. For the last 3 days i've had the most awful cramping pains in my womb, like i am just coming on. I'm lying here in bed right now with full on period pains, when they are not due for weeks, 2 weeks to be exact.

Can anyone else relate to this...please?

07-01-10, 00:10
It could be fybroids or an ovarian cyst - we have no way of knowing to be honest.

I get these pains too and do have fybroids but they are harmless.

You need to get a doc to check it out if you are in that much pain as we cannot diagnose you just based on the pains you describe.

07-01-10, 00:13
Wasn't wanting or expecting a diagnoses...for that i would obviously go to my doctor, but he's not there until tomorrow morning!

However, there are many women on this forum, and i was just asking whether other women have experienced such pains.

07-01-10, 00:25
Hi Belle,

Sorry to hear that you are in pain.

The only times i have really experienced what you are describing is when i was having a miscarriage, didnt even know i was pregnant, and had severe period pain, pain in my thighs and down my legs, but no bleeding at that point, even when i did start to bleeding, it wasnt really that much, it was the pain that was the sign that something was wrong.

The other was fairly recently when i had the mirena coil fitted for erractic periods ( nightmare), for a few weeks continously had severe period pain, but no bleeding. i am not usually bothered by period pain, but this was very painful and unusual for me.

i dont know how old you are, was there anything different about your last period? if it was just normal as you say, and given that it was only a short time ago, i think a miscarriage is unlikely, as nicola says fibroids or cysts is another possibilty.
If you are having severe pain, or are very worried about this give nhs 24 a call and get some advice until you can get your own doctor.

Hope it improves soon , for you.

best wishes

P x

07-01-10, 00:40
I'm 34.

Pain is everywhere, like period pains.