View Full Version : Feeling Ill - really scared

07-01-10, 02:22
Hey, for quite a while now i have been getting headaches and dizzy spells and just generally feeling unwell. i'm fine some of the time. its tends to be worse in the evenings. i just dont think anxiety can make you feel this bad. also my head feels tight and like there is a pressure in my head.

can anyone relate? any ideas about this? could it be a brain tumour?

Please reply ASAP
Love Louise

07-01-10, 02:35
migraines? vitamin deficiency? stress?
guess you could go to your doctor for a full blood work.
when I was low on Iron I was tired a lot and got headaches.

07-01-10, 16:24
i woke up and felt but now all of a sudden i feel like crap again.

could it really just be anxiety?

please reply
love louise

07-01-10, 17:30
While anxiety and stress can make you feel pretty terrible, it is not normal to be feeling like this all of the time. I think a trip to the doctors is in order just to tell him how you are feeling and see if he can offer you some advice or even treatment if needed.

07-01-10, 18:14
do u not think its anxiety then? i dont feel like it constantly.

07-01-10, 19:07
Hi Louise:)

I feel like this a lot of the time and I've had every test under the sun done and it all came back fine. It doesn't stop the symptoms. Like you I get dizzy spells and headaches.

I used to get headaches all the time and kept thinking that I had a brain tumour, which made me focus on the headaches more and almost magnetize the pain. When you distract yourself, do you find that your symptoms ease a little? Have you had any tests done to rule any medical condition out? If you haven't I think you should, just for your own peace of mind.

It's hard to believe that anxiety can make you feel so terrible but trust me, it can. I've had days that I was sure something horrible was wrong, I kept feeling off balance, dizzy and just 'not myself'. As I said, I went to the hospital/docs on and off for months and they never found anything, just chalked it up to anxiety.

I know it's hard to accept (I'm still dealing with it daily) but anxiety can make you feel like this. I hope you feel better soon, PM me if you ever need to chat. :)