View Full Version : What are the odds?

07-01-10, 03:40
I wasn't sure if I was going to make it to the airport today because the snow has been so bad. I actually intended to postpone my flight because the snowgates where shut not allowing traffic through to the airport. That would of course cost money in a reschedule fee which wasn't a problem. I loaned my mum some money and she was supposed to giving it back today. No such luck, she didn't have it. So I could either lose my flight or attempt to make it to the airport. After finally booking a bus (my card was declined 3 times before going through) we get held up in traffic and end up being 25 mins late for departure. Luckily the bus was delayed too, so I made it to the airport after braving sub zero temperatures. Then........


I was in there for almost 30 mins before they got me out. Definetly not the best timing for that. I have a thing about elevators and I've only recently conquered my fear of them. Ironically I was stressing like hell about my flight, so much so I kept gagging. Of all the times for that to happen eh? I'm cursed.

Anywhoozle. I'm sitting at the airport right now wondering if someone is trying to tell me something and its time to pack up and go home.

07-01-10, 04:11
Yikes, I am sorry the experience has been so rough so far. But good for you for conquering it all. You are doing great! Do what you feel you need to do. If you continue with your journey, sending you safe travel wishes.

07-01-10, 23:04
Strangely enough, I got a reprieve. I started vomitting blood and getting severe stomach pains. An ambulance was called and I've been admitted to hospital. Been in here since this morning.

I have low blood pressure and blood in my urine too, plus they're going to give me the camera down the throat treatment to see if I have a burst ulcer. I've slept most of the day and been on IV fluids and I actually feel a lot clearer than I did. I think a lot of the fogginess I've been feeling has been dehydration.

I'll reshedule another flight soon. I actually feel pretty good about it now. I'm in hospital getting my health fixed and won't feel so lethargic all the time, and last night with the elevator, I didn't panic when I got stuck. I didn't let it get to me either, I used it 5 or 6 times after, just to make sure I didn't freak myself out worrying about them.

Going home
07-01-10, 23:40
Good grief Gaz, it sounds like an episode of Mr.Bean :ohmy::D

But very glad you're getting the medical support you need today and hope it makes you feel loads better.

Take care
GH xx

Vanilla Sky
07-01-10, 23:44
Gaz ! What a day you've had! Yes indeed, what are the odds lol , Sending you get well wishes and hugs :hugs::hugs:Love Paige P.s keep us posted xxx

07-01-10, 23:53
You poor thing :hugs:..Hope you feel better soon ,Sorry youve had a bad time of it ..Sue xx:hugs:

08-01-10, 02:10
Hi Gaz,

Sorry to hear you had a horrible day, hope you feel better soon.

Yvonne xoxox :hugs:

08-01-10, 05:28
OMG, you poor guy. I am so glad you are ok. Feel better soon!

15-01-10, 16:55
Just a heads up for anyone who was interested. After I was discharged from hospital, I rebooked a flight to the States and spent the night in a hotel till it was time for take-off. I'm currently in the States enjoying some long overdue quality time with my little girl.

My anxiety levels for the most part are excellent, I've experienced no panic whatsoever. I just get a bit stressed out sometimes, but I'm on top of it. I'm surprised how well I'm doing actually, because last week was really, really rough on me. It may have been a blessing in disguise though, because I ended up being away from home in a stressful environment for 8 days, which was long enough for me to adjust to being out of my "safe zone" again. The elevator getting stuck was a bonus too, because when it happened, I didn't panic like I always thought I would. It occurred to me then that I was stronger than I thought I was at this point. The other bonus is after getting stuck and not panicking I can honestly say I've absolutely zero anxiety about elevators anymore. I've used them probably 100 times or more in the last couple of weeks, even little cramped ones that aren't big enough for you to stretch your arms out in front of you or to the side of you.

I just need to keep my eye on the prize now and make sure I keep myself calm for the duration of the trip (which will be a challenge) but I think I have this in the bag. I've been here 3 days now and I have a week left. Wish me lots of luck my friends :)

15-01-10, 17:24
Gaz, I'm so sorry I missed this thread. You sure went through the wringer! I always say God moves in mysterious ways. Getting sick, but getting fixed before you came over here was a blessing. I almost cheered when I read that you got stuck in an elevator and then got back on several times. Good going!

If you ever feel stressed, just think of what you got through. You got through that; you can get through anything! I'm impressed!

15-01-10, 17:49
hi gaz, just found your post, you are doing so well, i am bursting with pride for you enjoy every moment with your little girl, happy memories to keep close to your heart.
you have overcome and will continue on this good path.
with love crissyxxxxxxxxxxxxx

19-01-10, 08:30
Only 2 days left of my trip now and still zero panic. Even the little bit of stress I had at the beginning has melted away, I've completely adjusted and I've obliterated my agoraphobic issues.

I only wish I had more time with my little girl now, I'm absolutely dreading leaving here and going back to a horrible existence where I constantly ache to see her and knowing I'm missing seeing her grow up. It's a constant form of mental torture. If it weren't, I would never have subjected myself to all this stress in tackling my issues in such a direct way. Lets hope I can get the money together for another ticket soon.