View Full Version : Tooth bad after dentist,so worried

07-01-10, 10:01
i went to the dentist yesterday to sort out my bad tooth as i've been in so much pain, was put on antibiotics for an infection there but they don't seemed to have worked.so anyways, went to see the dentist and it was awful. im an extreamley nervous patient, and i was trying to explain to him that last time i had a panic attack due to the fact the novacaine took nearly 6 hours to wear off, he wouldn't even let me finish, he was shouting at me, saying i was being awkward, that i was being a pain and that if i didn't shut up i would have to leave. so you can imagine i was quite upset. anyway, he took out all the decay in my tooth and put a temporary filling in and have to go back in 3 weeks to let the tooth calm down and then have it shaved down and filed properly. problem is im still in so much pain, in my cheek, that area is swollen and throbbing, and feels numb. i thought at least if it was half treated the pain would subside, but it seem s to be worse. im taking annadin extra, and nurofen and nowt is stopping the pain and swelling. dentist says i havn't got an abcess there just a very angry tooth.
im so worried and just sitting here crying with pain:weep:

07-01-10, 10:27
You poor thing :hugs:He sounds absolutely awful & needs reporting ,No wonder you feel like you do about dentists .I think if possible you should try and get a different one .Are there are any more in your area.?As for the pain it should settle down eventually the only alternative would be an extraction ,Co codamol are excellent for tooth ache ,they often perscribe that .I just hope you feel better soon and manage to find a more sympathetic dentist for the next visit .Take care Sue xx:hugs:

07-01-10, 11:17
Well I have to say from reading your post he doesn't sound a very empathic dentist and I would try and find another one too. There will also be an out of hours dentist that you could use if it all gets too much. Every PCT has one and you just ring the number and they will arrange for you to be seen. Or you could even go to your local A&E if you have the time to sit around and wait to be seen by someone. You could still have an infection that the antibiotics didn't clear up, what were you on? It could be that you need a root canal filling if you still have so much pain. I certainly wouldn't just sit there in such pain and believe what that dentist told you. I do hope you manage to see someone soon :hugs:

07-01-10, 19:40
How is your mouth now? Yes, I would go to the out of hours dentist if it's still painful after taking the painkillers. And that dentist of yours - what a horrible manner. I'd try and get another dentist and send a complaint in about the other. He was quick enough to make you feel awful. Can I also mention that the last time you had a panic attack the novacaine could have started it because it contains adrenaline. It's notorious for starting palpitations and shakiness, so don't blame yourself saying it was a panic attack. Going to the dentist is bad enough for some people without you having to feel like this. Always remember, they are doing a job which the rest of us are forking out for - they make a lot of money and should be going out of their way to make us comfortable. I hope you feel better soon.

07-01-10, 22:04
hey all, thanks for the replys. i have managed to find a new dentist today, they deal with nervous patients very well and have come highly recommended. have an appointment next tuesday so hopefully it will go well, on the plus side im seeing a female dentist so at least she may be a little more caring.
at the moment the pain is bearable, the gums are very sore and it seems like i may have an ulcer right at the top inside my cheek, which is slightly painful. altho i am feeling a little panicky cos of the pain, getting hot sweats when i panic, and im feeling it now.
but i have to say my boyfriend bless him drove 60 miles yesterday in the snow to come with me to the dentist, just so i wouldn't get to bad with the numbness, i think he's a keeper! lol
but all in all i'm hoping the tooth will settle in a few days, enough for me to cope with til next week. thankyou all for replying, its nice to share my fears with people that understand. xx

07-01-10, 22:19
So glad you managed to get a new dentist ,it can be hard depending where you live .You can buy oral gel for toothach calledORAGEL ,it numbs the area and is really good .There are also numbing gels like Bonjella but stronger that will stop the pain and heal the ulcer .You, r bloke sounds nice and supportive ,Hold on to him ...Im sure you will be ok .Try to relax a bit ,it will help with the anxiety ...All the best .Luv Sue x