View Full Version : Can anxiety cause very painful joints and swelling ?

sarah jayne
07-01-10, 10:41
Hi im suffering really bad with very painful joints and my left ankle is badly swollen, ive also got a daily headache. Is it possible that anxiety can cause this ? My knees and ankles feel like they have been whacked with a hammer, its awful !

07-01-10, 16:14
hi sarah sorry to hear you are in pain.....its best to get a doctor to help with that.
all the best

07-01-10, 16:23
think you should see docter ,, if ankle swollen just to check

sarah jayne
07-01-10, 16:42
Ive already seen him, he referred me to a rheumatologist to check for arthritis but when i went last week she said i havent got it. Havent got a clue whats going on...x

07-01-10, 16:52
Are you on your feet a lot?

Did they see that your ankle was swollen?

07-01-10, 19:11
I don't think anxiety can cause swelling but your headaches may be due to stress or anxiety. If i was you i would take anther trip to the doctor's and ask what it coulb be and if you can take anything for it. Hope you feel better soon.

sarah jayne
07-01-10, 19:38
No im not on my feet alot, i try not to be because of my ankle. It started about six weeks ago with pins and needles, then it went sort of numb and its been swollen ever since. It better than it was but its still not right. I cant help worrying that its something serious. My doctor doesnt seem concerned though, hes put me on tabs called meloxicam which is use to trest arthritis, but i dont understand this because i saw a rheumatologist who said it wasnt arthritis ! x

08-01-10, 05:09
I'd go back to the doctor and ask him/her why you are being given a med for arthritis when the specialist said it isn't arthritis!
Hope the swelling goes down soon hun.

08-01-10, 05:12
Hey, I know your constant headache could be due to anxiety.
I get swollen ankles a lot, either one or the other.. A few things effect mine, mainly daily activity (too much, or hardly any) or the temperature. The swelling also causes my ankles to ache.