View Full Version : Cant breath

anx mum
07-01-10, 11:32
Plz help sat here in tears feel like i cant breath so scared cos on my own.

07-01-10, 11:40
Bev, what are we going to do with you? :)

It's feeling worse because you're on your own. Stop trying so hard to do something that happens totally by itself and slow down..relax those shoulders and hand on breastbone..relax.

You are fine, promise

07-01-10, 11:41
and its harder to breathe when you're crying cos your nose is all bunged up.
Try and dry your tears, go and make a cuppa and come back. xxx

anx mum
07-01-10, 13:59
Thanks ladybird so scared my partner keeps saying if im struggling 2 breath u would b gasping hate feeling like this how do u stop breathing feeling?

07-01-10, 14:02
could youtry focusing on somethin g else ,is there a draw or cupord that needs sorting out ,, or maybe going through your wardrobe i find i i find a job to do i dont like doing i feel like i have accomplised something plus takes your mid of ,your health sitting thinking isnt good .

07-01-10, 14:04
Bev hun, Im going to be really mean and tell you to look at the answer I gave when you posted about this in the Panic Attacks section.

I'm not sure that you act on the advice that people give you hun and all the reassurances in the world are useless if you don't take any notice of what people are advising. It's just making you worse. :hugs:

Please read what I wrote to you before, the only thing that is causing you to gasp for breath is your own anxiety. Promise. xxx

anx mum
07-01-10, 14:05
hi maggie in a right state gonna try and do summat after 2 take mind of it. Scared cos at home on my own. Feels like i havent got enough oxygen.

07-01-10, 14:13
hi, just popped in to say hello, you will be fine just keep telling yourself this has happened before i WILL feel better in a very short time, try to think of the daffodils that are trying to break through all this snow and how lovely things will soon look, chuck some scraps out for the birds, they will appreciate it, even a bowl of hot water.
Please think that you are not on your own we are all here for you.
I am sending complete calmness your way.
love crissyxxxxxxx

07-01-10, 14:14
hi hun
i been there 2, its the worst feeling in the world, but you know it won't last sweetie. As gypseywoman said find some thing to do, not strenuous just to occupy your mind. Remember a panic attack will never hurt you, you take control hun you have done it before so you can do it again x nikki

07-01-10, 14:18
and if your ever unsure tht it is panic have a read through the panic section on the list on the left. i have read it lots of times x

anx mum
07-01-10, 14:18
thanks nikki yeah is the worse symptom ever keep thinking my heart will stop:weep: but its been like this a while now so i guess my breathings ok

07-01-10, 14:22
no guessing bout it. All of us here know what it is, just when its happening its hard to see through the fog and know that we are actually ok. Are you getting through the fog now? x

anx mum
07-01-10, 14:27
my partner here now thank god

07-01-10, 21:35
I understand totally anx mum and I have this along with tension in my chest and palpitations.

Cell block H fan
08-01-10, 08:24
Bev hun, Im going to be really mean and tell you to look at the answer I gave when you posted about this in the Panic Attacks section.

I'm not sure that you act on the advice that people give you hun and all the reassurances in the world are useless if you don't take any notice of what people are advising. It's just making you worse. :hugs:

Please read what I wrote to you before, the only thing that is causing you to gasp for breath is your own anxiety. Promise. xxx

And seeing a decent doctor would be a step in the right direction. Harsh as it may sound, but maybe its not always help & reasurance they are looking for on here? Not strictly speaking anyway.

anx mum
08-01-10, 10:18
have changed my doc what a waste of time she was. Sick 2 death of it all got pain in both my calfs now hav i got the right 2 ask for a xray?

Cell block H fan
08-01-10, 11:04
have changed my doc what a waste of time she was. Sick 2 death of it all got pain in both my calfs now hav i got the right 2 ask for a xray?

Yes, I would say you have got the right. And sorry if this sounds harsh but you have had a heck of a lot of different symptoms over the last few weeks, maybe it is all connected to anxiety? It sounds like you dont give things a lot of chance to right themselves before getting in a state.
We all get aches & pains some days, stomach cramps for no apparent reason, unexplained headaches, the runs one day, stiff neck the next etc etc etc. Until something hangs around for more than a good few days atleast (apart from the obvious emergencies of course) its really not worth getting in a state about. Its just going to zap any energy you do have. I had stomach pains late last night & early this morning. But i'm fine now. I probably wont ever find out what that was, & to be honest, unless it kept happening, I wouldn't care either. Even with HA, we can keep things in a little perspective.
If you have changed doctors & they are still saying there is nothing wrong with you, you really need to start taking some self help action. As I was saying in the past, you are missing out on all the good things like being a happy parent, & I hate to think anyone misses out on that when they are still here & breathing. Thats not living. x

anx mum
08-01-10, 11:13
no ur right this is no bloody life do u think i really want 2 b like this? The bells palsey and pains in my legs have been going on for weeks now. Just want 2 b well and get right treatment. Udont hve 2 reply 2 my threads

08-01-10, 12:00
we want to help love its bad when your in constent state of dread ,when i was vry bad i rang my daughter 50 times day and night for reassurence i understand you needing this ,you keep posting love if it helpsxxxxxxxxx

08-01-10, 12:09
bev i understand exactly how u feel i hate living like this and ur rite its no life at all. if u ever need to chat u no where i am. i would like an explanation 4 my pains but all i get is its anxiety which i find really hard 2 believe, its come from no where and its doing my heading now. hope u feel better soon xx

Cell block H fan
08-01-10, 13:06
no ur right this is no bloody life do u think i really want 2 b like this? The bells palsey and pains in my legs have been going on for weeks now. Just want 2 b well and get right treatment. Udont hve 2 reply 2 my threads

I rarely do. I tend to just read them. But you are posting on a public forum, you wont always get the replies you obviously are wanting. I dont sugar coat things, especially if it doesn't help someone. You wont get the right treatment if you dont seek the help. This place is great for reassurance to a certain extent, but no one on here can cure anyone. You need professional help. People have been trying to advise you, but its like you dont hear it. Sometimes it gets to a point where people shouldn't just keep saying 'there there I know what you mean it will be ok' You wont be ok until you get professional help to solve your problem. Cant you get your hubby to go along with you to the doctor & get him to do the talking if you dont feel they are listening to you? Sometimes we're not assertive enough for these people, I know i'm not always if I have a HA bout at the time.

anx mum
08-01-10, 13:26
I dont want sympathy just some understanding. I cant seek anymore help then i have done i have changed my doc seeing a councillor on monday. I do hear what people r saying but when u feel so bad in urself u just want some reassurance and understanding. I think unless u have been there u havnt a clue

Cell block H fan
08-01-10, 14:21
I dont want sympathy just some understanding. I cant seek anymore help then i have done i have changed my doc seeing a councillor on monday. I do hear what people r saying but when u feel so bad in urself u just want some reassurance and understanding. I think unless u have been there u havnt a clue

I agree. And I have been there. I sat & wrote goodbye notes to about 5 people in my family in the night when I was THAT close to commiting suicide, because I was convinced I had cancer 17 years ago when I was about 21. I would physically shake whilst lying in bed with fear at night. My partner went through hell because of it too. My doctor put me on Diazapam & sent me to a consultant within days. But that was the later stages, I had been going to the doctors atleast once a week for months prior to that with symptoms. And I just didn't believe what she was telling me.
The consultant was the only person I would believe & thats when things did start to take a turn for the better. Thankfully I didn't have the bottle to go through with doing anything crazy. If things hadn't taken a turn for the better I wouldn't have gone on to have 2 children, that are now 15 & 13. Its horrible. ive had HA bouts since then, but nothing to compare with that. I would always insist on help before it got that bad again.