View Full Version : So miserable - please read

07-01-10, 14:52

I have suffered from health anxiety for years. I have had major hormonal problems since having my 3rd child 2 years ago. I have been on 2 types of combined pill for the last 2 months to try to sort things out. The 1st one gave me a 4 week period and my current one, dreadful breast pain and lumpiness (going to the doctor on Monday!).

My main problem at the moment is my husband. Whilst he can be supportive, he gets frustrated with me. Also, when I am having a span of anxiety, my libido hits rock bottom (I don't think the pill has helped with this either!!). He is hardly talking to me at the moment and is being, well horrible!! I feel so sad - I just keep crying. It has been nearly 3 weeks since we had sex. We have gone for longer!! He is just making me feel so awful. I have the kids all off school because of the snow and I just keep feeling really alone and crying!! Please help me :weep:

07-01-10, 15:09
Hiya Jo, anxiety is awful, i suffer too, general and health etc, my hubby listens etc but he dont really understand and i have no family support, i have to rely on any friends etc who understand what i am going through.

i get good times and bad and when i have bad days, i tend to lock myself indoors where i feel safe, i do find though to get myself out of feeling the way i do, i have to keep busy, whether it be ,housework, shopping, friends, internet, kids, wot ever it takes and i also try and focus on the positives in my life, no matter how small.

for me its silly but, i clean my house and it cheers me up, or i go walking as it clears the mind and makes us more positive and motivated, power walk through ya upset or anger etc.

Mayb for you the pills r not helping either, i guess its trial and error, hugs though and i am sure you will find lots of advice and support. xxx

07-01-10, 15:23
Oh Jo,

Don't be miserable, its all just getting on top off you. You are trying to cope with one thing then the good old libido goes on a nose dive. I have had many problems down there and still do! It makes you feel crap, and sex isnt high on the priority list, which in turn causes a few cross words!
:hugs:Sending some big hugs - not much help but hopefully the doctor on Monday can give you some more help xx

15-01-10, 11:55
Hi - you sound just like me....... I also have three young children and terrible health anxiety (usually relating to breast cancer, but at the moment bowel cancer)...... and it just makes me so sad, too..... I just wish my body - and my head - would give me a break. And, yes, my husband gets frustrated with me too. But you will feel better once the snow has gone and you can get out more and routines get back to normal...... (at least, I am hoping I will!!).... Feel free to PM me if you feel like it....

15-01-10, 14:49
hi im having the same problems at the moment my health anxiety started with the death of my dad when i was 23 then my mum died last year and my anxietys have gone through the roof i have no libido at all due to anxiety and antidepressant that im taking. my husband has lost all patience with me he says my health anxiety is driving a wedge between us it doesnt help because i always worry about seeing any blood after sex which i havent but if i did i no it will convince me i have cervical cancer and i will make myself ill with anxiety so it is a vicious circle coping with my anxietys and my sexually frustrated husband i sometimes find it hard to cope the grief of losing my mum from cancer at 68 and my dad from it at 54 too much to bear then the thought of my husband walking out on me due to my health anxiety doent seem fair so i no what your going through at the moment its crap i resent my husband sometimes for adding to the pressure just because he wants sex and i dont

15-01-10, 15:53
Hello jojo wanted to give you a big hug :hugs:, i have health anxiety to and know how awful it is to deal with and the last thing you need is the main person in your life being frustrated with you and making you feel worse :(.

I have been with my partner 7 years and i developed anxiety 2 years ago and i was at my wits end with him being frustrated with me, unsuportive and just mean!!

My OH didnt have a clue what anxiety was and i was upset by the fact that after all this time of me suffering he had never bothered finding out! i gave him a book about it and since he read it and has a better understanding about how i feel he has been fantastic. Have you tried giving him a book about your condition??

I had to maked a decision that wasnt going to let anything make me worse, i would hate to be in your situation as you are married and its alot more complex, i know it can sometimes be hard for the people around us but most of the time all we want is a cuddle and for them to say its ok i understand you'll be ok!

Maybe try writing him a letter about how you feel? this way he has to read it and not interrupt what you are saying.

I hope things get better soon :( xxx

16-01-10, 12:16
Ho Jo
i'm the same as you i have had bad anxiety for 4 years. People just don't understand only at christmas whilst having a meal with the in-laws, i had to say i could not drink alcohol as i'm on antidepressents, my god anyone would think that i said something really bad. My mother in-law looked at me and said its all a mental problem! its not it is real and we all don't want to feel like this. My husband is ok sometimes then just gets fed up when i tell him how i'm feeling. Our sex life has gone downhill, but to be honest when i feel low its the last thing i want.I seem like i'm crying lots too.
You will be fine and all of us on here are for you should you need to talk. :hugs:
Lisa xxxx Take care

16-01-10, 12:27
Hello Jo,
I know exactly how you feel Jo so your not on your own. I have a great wife she is very supportive, but i suppose at times she gets frustrated with me at the way i am, she must do, after all she is only human. Your other half probably does not mean to be off with you and i'm sure he loves you to bits, he is just maybe going through a bit of a rough patch (we all do). It might be hard at the minute i know Jo, but tomorrow may be better. i'm on a bad day too, so your not all on your own. I hope you start to feel better very soon, Regards Wayne.