View Full Version : Werid tongue scaring me :(

07-01-10, 16:14
Hi all

I posted not long back about my mouth and tongue and its still driving me crazy !, I've had a strange sensation on my tounge for the last 3 weeks. Ive had blood tests for my kidneys and liver and general blood count and everything come back clear but im still not convinced. It feels like a tingling feeling sometimes and other times it feels like its been burnt when you drink something to hot and other times I just can't explain it, this moves from the front of my tongue to the sides of it and also get a weird taste aswell. Im convinced ive got cancer or something like that and been to the doctor so much about it its getting embarrasing :( could anxiety cause this ? has anyone else had something simalar ??



07-01-10, 20:51
Been to the dentist forgot to mention lol everything was fine she said I have a coating over my tongue :/ so not to sure what to think thanks for the reply though :)

08-01-10, 10:06
a coating on the tongue sounds like thrush which causes burning tongue. I have BMS ( burning mouth syndrome) for nearly a year now :weep: they dont know what causes it & as fair as im aware its harmless. I never advise googling but if you do you will find a lot of people have it & it isnt a sign on anything bad xx

08-01-10, 19:01
yep i say mention to your dentist about burning mouth syndrome, i have had this for so long now, a visit to your dentist is what you need and to mention bms.

best wishes

di xx