View Full Version : I'm so unhappy, please can someone reassure me

07-01-10, 18:09
I've had panic attacks on and off since my daughter was born 5 years ago. Had a really bad one just before Christmas (set off by chinese food) and since then, every day around mid afternoon I've felt weak, lightheaded, a bit panicky and scared and just generally unwell.

Last night was totally horrible and I'm just so fed up of it. I'm on my own during the week with my daughter as my husband works away and I went to bed at 10 quite tired. I just lay there listening to my heart pounding away in my head, whichever way I lay I couldn't get away from it. Then I felt like I couldn't really catch my breath properly and was scared to move around. Seemed like my whole body was vibrating with the heartbeat. Eventually fell asleep at about 4am but today just feeling really down, scared and anxious and breathless again.

I've posted before about possible thyroid symptoms and I'm going back to the doctors this week. In the meantime, does anyone else have this pounding/breathless feeling at night? Can anyone offer any tips to try and bring myself out of it.

I'm just so scared that there's something really wrong and that's why I'm breathless all the time. I'm fed up of feeling like this and it's getting to the point where I'm scared to be on my own, and not wanting to go out of the house.

07-01-10, 18:12
hiya i have the pounding heart and the feelin breathless it drives me crazy i also have a bunch of other symptoms aswel it gets me really down. i have it in a morning and on a night. hope you start to feel better soon x

07-01-10, 18:15
Hello Bellar,

I'm sure it's nothing serious. It all sounds like anxiety symptoms. You're more aware of your heartbeat when lying down and if lying in silence then it's magnified. And breathlessness is a common symptom of anxiety. It's because your chest muscles are so tense - nothing to do with your lungs. I've had this and it is uncomfortable, but it does go away. Once you get the reassurance from your doctor that there's nothing wrong you may be able to relax a bit. If it is anxiety, which it sounds like, then your doctor can help you with this, even if only short term, until you feel more like yourself again. You will get through this.

07-01-10, 18:20
Thanks guys. I'm just so fed up with being like this. Any tips on how to get rid of the feeling when you're trying to go to sleep. Breathing exercises etc?

07-01-10, 18:24
Hi Bellar,

Pounding heart and trying to sleep is awful, try listening to an audio book or music (not too loud!), I find that helps to a). send me off and b). stops me focusing on my heart.
Good luck x

07-01-10, 18:26
Taking slow breaths in through your nose for a count of 7 and slowly out of your mouth for a count of 11 should help. I know it's difficult but try and distract yourself and think about something nice. Or a tip my mum told me about was to think of a house you've lived in and walk through every room in your mind, from top to bottom! Sounds corny but it works for me. Sometimes it's the simplest things that can bring temporary relief.
I hope you feel better soon.

07-01-10, 18:46
Thanks. Audio books sounds a good idea and I like the one about going through rooms in an old house! :)