View Full Version : High Anxiety/Panic Attack Sufferer

07-01-10, 18:36
Hi, I had my first panic attack at the beginning of this year (after a very late night out and lots of alcohol, which I have since discovered was prob the cause). It took me a few weeks to get back on my feet after the initial panic attack but then had a lovely summer and all was well until Oct. Out of the blue my panic attacks returned and with a vengence. Within weeks they spiralled out of contol and I was terrified of getting through the day. My anxiety levels were so high I couldn't eat anything and if I forced something down I was sick, I couldn't sleep, absolutely no concentration so watching tv, reading or simply sitting on the sofa was out of the question. My GP was unhelpful and things went from bad to worse. As a last resort my husband found a rehab/resort that also deals with anxiety that was very expensive but I was admitted for 10 days. It helped immensly and broke the nightmare of the cycle that I was trapped in. Unfortunately when I was discharged I foolishly thought my days of panic attacks and anxiety were behind me - I came home on Xmas Eve and Xmas Day was back having panic attacks and vomitting. I have now managed to get some support around me - CBT, counselling and seeing a spiritual healer next week. I am hugely missing the support of the other patients though as it was so reassuring to talk to other people who understood - this is my reason for joining this site. The other patients who were alcoholics and drug addicts have a support network and groups that they can go to locally (ie AA), such a shame that I don't have a group that I can physically go to locally. I live in West Sussex - close to Gatwick, so if anyone knows of one I would be really interested. This site has already been very helpful and I look forward to making some new friends.


07-01-10, 18:38
Hi SueBut

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

07-01-10, 21:01
Welcome Sue.....im a first timer to this site too...but have suffered a few years longer..i have to say i thought i knew "all the help that was out there"...how wrong i was!!!
all the very best.
