View Full Version : cant praise my Gp enough

07-01-10, 18:37
Hope this is posted in the right place

I just wanted to give praise where praise is due, i know a lot of the medical profession and especially Gps come in for a lot of stick some times, and sometimes rightly so, but today i think i truely realised what a fantastic Gp i have. i have known her for years, but in the last few months i have seen her A LOT!!!, and she doesnt make me feel foolish, she gives me time, doesnt rush me and more importantly, she LISTENS to me, and then Together try to find the best course of action, she words things very carefully as not to make me even more anxious, and is very respectful and considerate towards me and of my illness, and i just wanted to say i much i appreciate her, i did tell her that today, but just wanted to share a postive story regarding the medical profession. So thanks Dr P :), your one in a million..

07-01-10, 18:51
What a lovely post, pollyanna :)

I have the most amazing GP too. It really really helps :)

Not that my GP will ever read this, but I'd just like to thank her here too... She has been an absolute star these past few years. I'd never have managed without her. I've known her for a long time. She has the most genuine, lovely smile :) When I see her, I feel safe...

You're right, people are too quick to mention the bad things about the medical profession... But it's good to mention the good things too...

In the last few years, I have met a few amazing people in the medical profession... The good ones far outweigh the bad ones...

Anyway, pollyanna, your GP sounds lovely, and I'm glad you met her. Onwards and upwards eh? :)

Take care,


07-01-10, 21:26
Hi Tetley and under the stars.

well i think we are a few of the lucky ones.
i think another thing that i didnt mention in my original post is that i trust her, and i really dont trust all that many people, so its a big thing, and your right tetley, it really does make the all the difference to get a good Gp.

So in the words of under the stars... onwards and upwards....:)

Best wishes to you both :hugs: xx

sarah jayne
07-01-10, 21:37
Thats lovely to hear. I wish i could say the same but ive only been with my gp for a few months and as i was treated badly by my old one im finding it hard to trust him...x

07-01-10, 22:06
Hi Sarah

thats horrible about your last Gp, it will take a bit of time to build up a relationship with your new Gp so that you are able to trust him, but there is no reason why that cant happen.

good luck


P x

07-01-10, 22:11
I would just like to say that I also have an absolutely brilliant GP. He has been really supportive over the last few years, very understanding even when I sound really silly! I consider myself to be really lucky, and glad to hear there are other good ones out there.