View Full Version : Need a little reassurance!!

07-01-10, 19:05
Well i found a lump in my breast about a week before christmas and i am going to the nurse on monday for a check up its strabge i have stayed quite calm about it i am trying not to panic or get upset unless there is a need to, the thing is i am driving myself crazy about all the other aches and pains i have in my body such as i have a pain in my hip not all the time it comes and goes the thing is i fell over about 5 days ago on my bum i know my hip is probably hurting because of this but i am a little worried it might be cancer i know it sounds so stupid but u know what its like when you get something in your head.
I am probably more worried about the lump than i thought, but can cancer spread from your breast to your hip in a month im sorry for asking such silly questions any advice would be great.
Thank you Hannah x

07-01-10, 19:53
Of course you are worried about the lump, we'd all be. But we need to remember that MOST breast lumps are harmless cysts. I was recalled after a mammogram because they found lumps and I also started thinking the worst. It turned out to be two cysts, which they aspirated there and then, painlessly. And what a relief. Even if it was the worst scenario, if found early the prognosis is great. You won't relax until you get it checked but please try and think that it probably will be harmless!! Let us know how you get on. And your hip is probably sore because you fell. When we are anxious our imaginations run riot! We've all done it!

07-01-10, 21:01
Hi Hannah

I found a lump in my left breast about the same time as you did. It came up almost over night. I have recently started oral contraceptives after having my 3rd child 2 years ago and it has caused my uncomfortable breasts and general lumpiness. Because of this, I had been feeling my achey breasts a lot and so noticed this straight away. This lump is larger than the others but is moveable and also hurt quite a bit to begin with. It hasn't disappeared with my menstrual cycle so I have a doctors appointment on Monday.

I am worried too but need to get it checked out for my peace of mind and so should you. Apparently, about 85% of breast lumps are benign which is comforting. Let me know how you get on.

There seem to be a lot of breast lump worries on this site at the moment. x

12-01-10, 10:26
Hi Hanna

Any news regarding your breast lump? I went to my doctor yesterday. She said she was pretty certain it was nothing sinister but is sending me for an ultrasound to be on the safe side. I think they do this now as a matter of course.

Let me know if you want to chat. :)