View Full Version : Panic attack.. Need calming! Please help

08-01-10, 04:10
Okay so.. I'll say what I think's happening? It normally makes me realize it's just panic when I read it back to myself.

All day I've been dizzy, I'm not now though.. I am ill also.. Well, not so much now but I have been. Which is why I presume I've been getting dizzy.

It feels like my heart isn't beating as hard as it should if that makes sense? Even when I'm panicking, my heart isn't beating HARD. It's racing.. But it's not beating hard.
I felt my pulse, and it doesn't feel as strong as it usually does.

I don't know, it just feels like my heart isn't beating like it should.
Is this anxiety?

I've since combined the two together and I've made myself think my dizziness is because of my weaker heartbeat.

I'm not dizzy now though, and my heart still feels weaker.

Anyways, It's really worrying me and I'm starting to panic.

Could anyone help me?
Whether it's just to tell me I'm being silly and it's just my anxiety.. Or just to make small talk to take my mind off the panic?


08-01-10, 04:18
Hi! :D yes it does sound like anxiety and your clearly getting worked up over it! First you need to calm down, i'm sure your heart is fine, when i suffered from anxiety my blood pressure was still fairly low and i didn't get a pounding heart.

You need to take your mind off your heart beat - and don't keep checking your pulse!

If it continues and you are really worried - go have a chat with your GP.

Try to relax! - Gaz :)

08-01-10, 04:21
Thank you for replying :)
I know it's probably just my anxiety but it's freaking me out! Aarrrgh.
I'm resisting the urge both to google and feel my pulse. I'm doing okay so far :P

I plan on seeing my GP as early as I can tomorrow, the surgery opens at 8 so I only have to wait 3 hours 45 minutes. It's calming myself down in the mean time.

It's been so long since I had an anxiety attack I can't remember what I used to do to take my mind of it, and distract myself from the panic. :( Xx

jude uk
08-01-10, 04:36
Google nothing or we send the google dwarfs to hit you with large custard pies.....

You will be fine and yes I understand how you feel at the moment. I think playing some of the games on here can help to take your mind off how you feel.

sending you love and hugs

08-01-10, 04:38
LOL! That made me laugh. I'm tempted now so I can catch a glimpse of said google dwarfs ;)

I'm starting to feel a little better about it now, although I'm still on edge and I highly doubt I'll be sleeping tonight.

Thank you for your reply! (:

*Big Hugs*x

08-01-10, 04:46
Arrrggh!!! No. I WAS feeling better.
I got up, went to get a drink.. Came back and now I'm freaking out again.
Like "Why isn't my heart beating like it should".

I lost a lot of blood a few months ago, and my hemoglobin (Spelling?) levels dropped right down to 8.5, I had to take Iron tablets for 8 weeks.. But took them over like... 4 months ? Spread out.. Not consistently. I'd remember to take them for a week or so, then forget for the rest. I still have some in my drawer in fact. I have a sheet to go to the hospital to get them checked (Got it in Sept/Oct) But I couldn't face going to that hospital for personal reasons...

I'm going up on Monday though. If I can get the money I might try get up tomorrow, if the snow permits it.

So, if my heart is being funny.. I'm getting dizzy.. And yeah, could this be from my iron levels? If they're not as high as they should be?

I am SO tempted to google this, I really don't want to..

Could it be dangerous?

08-01-10, 05:19
Oh hun I am so sorry you are feeling poorly!
I've been where you are hundreds of times and I can tell you it's anxiety!
Try to take your mind off it!
Play a game on the site or clean something!
When I was at my worst I'd be up all nite cleaning away!!
Sometimes I think my husband wishes I would have a bout of all nite panic so the house would get cleaned proper!
I'm willing to stay online with you if you need someone to talk to.
Just let me know :)

08-01-10, 05:24
Thankyou so much for your reply :)

I'm trying, but I really don't know how. I've tried playing games on a few sites but I can't focus on them at all.

I should clean! I was cleaning when this started so it could do with finishing, but with it being my heart I'm scared of, I don't want to 'over do' it.. I know it's stupid but I'm scared of doing anything to make it worse.

Lol @ your husband and the cleaning! I really should try clean more when I'm panicked.. The first thing I do is jump on the computer!

You don't have to stop online to talk to me :) But if you could reply to this thread once in a while? It makes me feel like I'm not alone and calms me a bit when someone's replying.

Thank you so much for your reply. :)


08-01-10, 05:30
Emma I really don't mind!
I'm up anyway!!
I'm a horrible insomniac!

There might be people in chat if you feel like going in there. I can't cuz I don't have the right java on my computer but it would help you to pass some time.
I understand not being able to concentrate! I used to get really foggy in my thinking and my mind would just race.
It's not your heart.
When I would have a full on panic attack I would rush around trying to keep my mind off of it and then stop and take my pulse. Of course my pulse would be high and that would freak me out so much!
Not sure what I expected!! I was buzzing around like there was someone chasing me and I wondered why my pulse was high?! LOL
I swore my heart would beat out of my chest OR on the other side I would freak out cuz my heart wasn't beating as hard as I thought it SHOULD be!

Just try to slow your breathing down some and take a slow and easy pace if you do try to clean to take your mind off it.

I will be round for some time so just let me know if you need me :)

08-01-10, 05:40
Thank you :) I just don't want to be stealing some of your time :P

Nah I'm not so good in chat lol. I end up never saying anything.. Ah well! Thank you for the suggestion though :)

I hate not being able to concentrate. My friend keeps trying to talk to me and I'll just stutter and completely forget what we were talking about. He knows I'm a little bit of a loon, so all is well. :P

I know it's not my heart, well I'm starting to believe it now. You know what it's like. I seriously think it's my iron, I've been sleeping a lot more, too. I have a tray of iron pills in my drawer so I'm going to take them until I go to the doctors Monday.

I was freaking out a few minutes ago.. "It's doing it again, it's not beating hard enough" ... I checked my pulse and it was NORMAL. (Slightly fast, but normal) so it is just in my head. It's probably something stupid like I didn't have my finger in the correct place or wasn't applying enough pressure to feel it properly.

I really couldn't clean now, lol. I'm too tired and agitated.

Thank you for replying again.


08-01-10, 06:05
hi emaa.
i had this exact same feeling 4 hours ago hence why i am up. i was also worried about the heart not feeling like is beating hard enough, try to relax and think to yourself that it is anxiety and it will pass, you aren't alone. it is hard to take your mind off it when your having this feeling i know, but i often find coming on here and looking for reassurance is a big help. i went downstairs to my dad who could tell i was having an attack and he told me it's only feelings and i suddenly felt alot better. this site is a godsend! :)