View Full Version : This might sound a little crazy..

08-01-10, 07:56
but I'm actually scared of feeling fatigued?
I think I have Leukemia so everytime I feel a little tired or drowsy I just take it as something bad and it's terrible because I stay up for all hours of the night and if I'm tired an hour earlier than norm. I freak out. Also, do any of you ladies feel extra tired on your periods? I started mine this morning and I'm sleepier than usual, normal or no? I hate this ): All because of a damn cold.

Cell block H fan
08-01-10, 10:04
Yes I get tired when on my period, just before too. I also know what you mean about the leuki thing. You keep yourself awake, almost to reassure yourself you're not really tired! lol I think with that though it would be an overwhelming tiredness that you wouldn't be able to control? And you would also have other symptoms? x

08-01-10, 11:16
Yes me too when my period is due im really tired for the whole week before no energy etc., and than after it has finished im really tired. You may be anemic and that is why you are feeling tired a simple blood test will show that...With leuki as Cell block H fan said there would be lots of other symptoms...x

08-01-10, 11:30
Hello :)

Its horrible when your mind is fixated on a certain symptom, i have had this many times and have also been scared of Leukemia before.

On my period i have zero energy! i feel so drained!! i cant do anything i cant go to the gym or run around i just want to curl up on the sofa with lots of cake haha.

Please please try not to analyse every symptom especially this one sweetie, anxiety itself can drain your energy, all that constant negative thinking goes round and round and round and makes us feel terrible and drained.

When we have anxiety and convince ourselves we have a illness, we try to search for symptoms in ourselves to prove ourselves right (when really the only thing wrong with us is anxiety).

Have you expressed these fears to your doctor??