View Full Version : Update on joint pains

08-01-10, 08:33
Saw Gp yesterday, she said my rheumatoid factor was mildly positive and not enough for a definite diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis. Also had a positive ana blood test about five years ago.
Have been prescribed a small dose of diclofenic and codeine for pain, i hope this helps.
Have been referred to rheumatologist.
Feel really worried and still not sure whats wrong.
Gp said some people have very mild rheumatoid problems and never get a diagnosis!!!

sarah jayne
08-01-10, 10:07
Ive got the same symptoms but tested negative for ra. Im in so much pain and im worried sick. I tried diclofenic and codiene and was even on morphine over xmas and none of them worked so now ive been prescribed meloxicam. I cant help worrying that its something really bad. Please let me know how you get on...
Sarah xx

10-01-10, 10:12
Thanks Sarah Jayne i will let you know, also hope you get a diagnosis soon, its so frustrating and painful !!!

11-01-10, 12:23
Hi pb
I was told years ago that I had '9 out of 10' points for RA. I have never been referred to any specialist except when my hip was so bad I couldn't walk without pain. My Dr prescribes Co Dydramol tablets as I cannot take others cos of stomach. I have fibromyalgia also so the pain from this extends to most areas of the body. Not helping much I fear, but over the years I have got used to the discomfort and manage most things unless during really bad flareups which cause nausea and dizziness. There are much better drugs nowadays for pain relief and maybe a pain clinic could help too. Take care and hope you can get some relief.:yesyes: