View Full Version : experiencing weird body sensation...

08-01-10, 12:53
hi....ive been dealing with anxiety and panic attacks since november and the past few weeks i thought id been making good progress and i havnt had a panic attack since 12th dec....althou my anxiety levels have come down and im feeling less stressed im still experiencing some strange symptoms......i cant really describe it... all i can say is it feels as if im experiencing mini panic attacks every hour or so...its as if my body is forcing me to panic i just get this awful feeling and my legs start to go heavy its a weird sensations that then ripples throu my whole body a bit like a wave effect.......the thing is it never ends in a full blown attack it lasts about 30 seconds then goes away.....im now starting to get anxious about this as i dont know what it is and i feel generally ok otherwise.....as anyone else experienced this when there anxiety is subsiding...id really like to know as maybe then i can relax......i really did think i was getting over this....:weep:

08-01-10, 13:33
Hi Clairabella,

I think you might have answered your own question there:)

If your episodes are lasting about 30 seconds then going away rather than developing into a full blown PA then it's probably an encouraging sign that you are improving.

Let them go away in their own time.

08-01-10, 13:54
Thanks brunette for replying......your probley right!!.i felt i was improving and i dont want these episodes to push me back......there quite scary when they occur an i really wish they would stop.......i will try not to let them worry me too much and hopefully they will subside...thanks so much for the advice:)

08-01-10, 17:42
I suffered from hypertension and panic attacks for almost two years and i would have similar attacks to the ones you are describing. They do go away, i promise! You will just have to endure them until they subside but you are in control of them. Ultimately you have the say in whether you will suffer an attack or not so when they come you can push them away.

Strangely, when i had panic attacks i would do the worst thing i could - i'd run (if you knew me well then you'd know that it is completely out of character for me to do ANY excersise)! I thought it would expend energy but it just made me worse. My dry mouth feeling would get dryer and my heart would hammer more! Daft really but your mind does the strangest things. Just try and stay calm and take your mind off it (sometimes it will feel like you are forcing yourself to take your mind of it and it may not work, but persevere and it will help you).

Good luck. :)

09-01-10, 12:11
thanks for the reply....its reassuring to know that im not alone with this....of all the anxiety symptoms ive had and beleive me i think ive had them all...this has to be the worse because it happens so randomly...even when im relaxed!!!Ive accepted that i will just have to try and live with them until hopefully they subside....thanks again for offering support......:)