View Full Version : i'm new here!

27-11-05, 08:57
hello everyone i've just registered to your site i hope i can get some peace of mind now i've taken this positive step. i'm crying my eyes out as i type this, a mixture of relief, more anxiety and emotion! but i will try to give an account of my anxiety, i first started with symptoms 3 yrs ago, i thought i was going to die! i was having tremors and i thought i had a serious health problem. i went to see my Dr and was put on antidepressants and beta blockers. they did work and after 18 months or so i managed to come off them, i was so pleased. but now i'm back where i started i had to go and see my Dr again , and i've just experienced the worst w/end for a very long time. i just cant sleep i have the tremors again , which from past expereince i know that they are harmless, so i'm not worryed about them. but what i am worried about is at night i get the heart racing and it scares me becos it lasts along time (hours). and my appettite is going rapidly if i think about eating i feel sick, i can't even think about drinking but i am forcing myself to drink water. i feel a bit of a fool,and i worry that i wont be able to cope and that my lovley supportive husband will get sick of me, and that it will affect my little boy. my beta blockers were a god send last time but i've been put on a lower dose this time but my symptoms are getting worse and i have kept ringing the doctors since i was given them only last tuesday, to see if i can take more. so now i'm taking 20mgs three times a day , but to no avail, i think i remember last time it took a bit to work, but i've not been put on the antidepressents this time, if any one has any advice i would be very grateful, i'm sorry this first greeting could not be more positive, i hope that with regular help it will become so. thank you

27-11-05, 09:03
Welcome, i am sure you will find this site as helpful as i have found it.


27-11-05, 10:50

Just wanted to welcome you aboard this fantastic website which is so informative and the nicest thing is the people on it are fantastic! If you go on to symptoms section or search for related symptoms I'm sure you'll get to meet other people in your predicament.

I wish you well and welcome.


27-11-05, 10:53

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some good friends.

The reason you are feeling the racing heart at night is because you are more relaxed and your mind is unoccupied, so you are thinking about it more, try to remain positive.

Also try to eat little and often, even if you don't feel like it, as you need to keep your strength up.

Just remember anxiety can't hurt you and you will get through it.

Take care
Trac xxxx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

27-11-05, 11:02
Hi Worrywort, welcome, you will make lots of friends here and receive lots of support, and the biggest thing, you will realise you are not alone.
Its a shame your feeling bad again but at least you recognise it early, maybe you should go back and talk to your gp again, anyway hope you feel better soon.

love from Alexisxx

If I help one person today it was worth getting up.

27-11-05, 12:20
Hi Worry and welcome to NMP where you will get lots of support and make some great friends too!:D

Take Care



27-11-05, 13:59
Hello worrywort,

Its great that medication worked for you last time as you now know that you do have that option again should you really need it .

If you don't want to go down that route you can manage yourself without meds. Do you know what caused it all to start last time that might still be present this time ?

You need to really look after yourself right now , the eating and nausea is very common as is the heartbeat which are both natural reactions from having excess adrenaline surging round you..


First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)

Heart rates (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5391)
does anyone have a heart rate of 90 or more (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6124)

nervous (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3347)
Nausea (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3205)
Nausea (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3355)
does anybody feel sick or cant eat for days (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4842)

stomach problems (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3369)
does anybody feel sick or cant eat for days (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4842)
Digestive problems (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4875)
belching and tummy pains (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5617)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

27-11-05, 15:14
Hi Worrywort

Welcome to the forum.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

27-11-05, 16:23
Hi Worrywort

Welcome aboard.

I hope you can read the posts that Meg has given you as it will really help to know you are not alone and then start to find some help on here.


27-11-05, 16:33
:DWelcome to the forum Worrywort:D

Jem xxx

27-11-05, 18:13

welcome to the site

kazo xxx

27-11-05, 18:29
hi worrywort
welcome to this site


27-11-05, 18:43
Hi Worrywort, I also am new & I am a worrywort too..
I also took a beta blocker, blood pressure med, anti-depressent and spent most of my day laying on the couch, I had to give up on the meds, but I am not telling anyone else to do that..
I hate going to bed, I know once I fall asleep I will be awakened by hot flashes, tummy upset & trembling or the sensation of water running thru my veins, I hate it I hate it!!!!!!!! I sleep some but wake up exhausted and still trembling and hot for awhile, I feel better for a little bit then I get the funny feeling when I am up and moving around of great heaviness in my arms and legs it doesn't hurt but it just drives me wild...So I panic....I've been to the dr. time and time again, and the ER for the high BP, rapid heart rate and all the goodies that go with it...Blood work, and such is ok...Please know you are not alone in this challenging time.....Please take care & much luck...Purrs.......

Heaven will not ever heaven be unless my cats are there to welcome me.

27-11-05, 20:12
hi worry,

welcome to this site.i should help you alot as alot of support on here and some good advice.

take care

ptsd sufferer.

lin x

27-11-05, 21:38
Hi Worry
Everything you said reminds me of myself.
Just reading other peoples posts is a help,knowing i am not alone..hope you start to feel better soon.

Betty x

27-11-05, 22:11
Hi, and a warm welcome to the site.

You will get there, but it takes time.

Take Care,


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

27-11-05, 22:38
A big warm welcome to you



Will I ever escape this?
Will I ever be free?
Wake me up from this nightmare.
Please just give me the key!

28-11-05, 20:48

There are lots of nice poeple here who will
help and support you.



When you fear something,
learn as much about it as you can.
Knowledge conquers fear.