View Full Version : Feel bad about going to the Doctors.

08-01-10, 16:14
A quick one, been really good and upbeat, but for the past 5 days I have had what could only be described as bad period pains - but i'm not due and ovulating pains shouldn't last 5 days.....anyway, was going to the doctors on Monday, but decided as its the weekend I would call on the off chance that there was a spare appointment tonight. Its only emergency appointments and the receptionist said only I can decide......so I did, and i'm going and now I feel like i'm really naughty (even though I have been in pain for five days) :huh: Anyone else been to the emergency doctors and felt guilty??

margaret jones
08-01-10, 16:50
YES dont worry that is what the emergency app are for hope you get sorted for the weekend

08-01-10, 17:28
I was made to feel guilty by my doctor. The receptionist booked me in but it was an emergency appointment (she just told me the time - not that it was an emergency). The doctor moaned at me when i spoke to him so i got up saying "Well, if you don't want to examine me then i'll go shall i?". He chuntered all the way through my examination!

On an another note, he was very nice to me the next time i saw him!

08-01-10, 21:57
Thank you - it went really well and I did mumble that I was sorry, blar blar blar. But thankfully all sorted before the weekend!!

margaret jones
08-01-10, 22:00
Good Zojo hope you are soon feeling better

08-01-10, 22:40
Hope you feel better soon Zojo and like I think....what do they class as an emergancy?? If it was a real serious emergancy then they would be at the hospital so I am sure yours is counted as serious enough :)

09-01-10, 00:21
yeah I hate going to the doctors, for no other reason than I always feel that I'm wasting their time. Even when they're nice about it.
Sometimes the walk in centres are easier to get to, and a bit less formal, if I don't feel up to justifying a trip to the doctor I sometimes start there, and then at least if they instruct me to see a doctor, which they usually do, then I have an alibi - "I've been sent here.."

I don't know why we should feel like this - I mean, rationally it makes no sense.

09-01-10, 06:37
I think we all feel guilty about going to the doctors - probably because we go so much!! I have taken an emergency appointment - and it wasnt an emergency but there was no one else there, it was 8:30 am and they said I couldn't see a doctor! I told them I was seeing a doctor so boo hoo. :) xx