View Full Version : help to accept the truth

08-01-10, 17:06
Dear all,
I have had the most awful anxiety on the end of the world crap going on. I made a brave decision yesterday to look on the nasa site and research it. I now believe the truth of the whole hoax and have taken on board everything that has been said to dispel the fear of 2012. My problem is that my head won't stop thinking about it !!! I have even managed to go back to work part time but it is still there even when I am working. Deep down I know the truth but my mind keeps playing ricks on me and putting doubts there. Does anyone else suffer like this with their thoughts even though they know the truth ? How do I accept the truth in my mind and get on with recovery - I feel that this last bit of negative thought is holding me back. I understand about letting thoughts come until they don't matter and I will lose the 'habit' of thinking them but it is becoming really bothersome to me. I guess I am scared that I am making myself doubt and think about 2012 !!! If I was well, this would never have bothered me. I keep going on the nasa website to re - read the facts. Can anyone relate to what I have said ?
Danniela x x

08-01-10, 19:53
Throughout history it has been said by one person or another, countless times that the end of the world is around the corner. The earth has been here billions of years, nothing is going to happen in your lifetime, I promise. I'm sure the earth has many billions of years more.